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# Title Category Created On
1 Primary Knowledge on the Forestry Law (Lao) SPS 2012-02-10
2 Ministry of Health Magazine, Dec 2011 SPS 2012-03-04
3 Manual on Organic Agriculture Standard Inspection (Lao) SPS 2012-03-06
4 Lao PDR’s Beef Standard 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00020) SPS 2024-06-05
5 Lao PDR’s Chicken Standard 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00021) SPS 2024-06-05
6 Tilapia Standard 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00023) SPS 2024-06-05
7 Standards for the use of animal and aquatic growth promoters 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00024) SPS 2024-06-05
8 Good Practice Standards for Meat Markets in Lao PDR 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00025) SPS 2024-06-05
9 Good Practice Standards for butchers in Lao PDR 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00026) SPS 2024-06-05
10 Good Practice Standards for Slaughterhouses and sub-slaughterhouses in Lao PDR 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00027) SPS 2024-06-05
11 Good Practice Standards for slaughterers, animal husbandry in slaughterhouses and sub-slaughterhouses 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00028) SPS 2024-06-06
12 Standards for live animals transportation 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00030) SPS 2024-06-06
13 Lao PDR’s Pork Standard 2023 (STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2023-00019) SPS 2024-06-06
14 Phytosanitary requirements for the export of plants and plant products from Laos to China SPS 2024-08-28
15 WTO TBT Agreement (Lao Version) Technical Requirement 2012-05-03
16 UNCTAD International Classification of Non-Tariff Measures 2010 Version Technical Requirement 2017-06-01
17 Guidelines on Rice Export to China Technical Requirement 2018-07-12
18 Lao PDR Trade Portal Movie General 2012-06-27
19 Lao PDR Trade Portal Brochure General 2012-09-05
20 Guideline for Enterprise Registration General 2013-08-08
21 Sustaining Growth Maintaining Macroeconomic Stability General 2013-10-24
22 The ASEAN Economic Community: A Work in Progress General 2014-03-13
23 Lao PDR - Trade and transport facilitation assessment General 2014-07-10
24 Registered Exporters Business Manual General 2017-01-24
25 Guidebook on the extraction of natural color for dyed silk General 2018-06-26
26 The Roadmap of Promoting and Developing Handicraft work throughout the country (2016-2020) General 2018-06-27
27 Industrial Development Report of Lao PDR 2017 General 2018-06-27
28 National Manufacturing Establishments Survey Report 2016 General 2018-06-27
29 The European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR (ECCIL) White Book 2018. General 2018-07-17
30 Complementary documents requesting the import and export license General 2018-07-18
31 Presentation for the dissemination workshop of Lao PDR Trade Portal (LTP) website to National Academy of Politics and Public Administration General 2018-09-24
32 Export Statistic under forms: A, D, E, S, SPT, AI, AK, AJ, AANZ, DFTP, APTA, CO-Korea year 2015 General 2018-09-24
33 Export Statistic under forms: A, D, E, S, SPT, AI, AK, AJ, AANZ, DFTP, APTA, CO-Korea year 2016 General 2018-09-24
34 Import and Export statistic under Trade Preferences of Lao PDR from 2013 - 2017 General 2018-09-24
35 Web site introduction ( General 2018-10-22
36 Time Release Study Report of Lao PDR 2017 General 2018-11-27
37 LNSW Userguideline for DIMEX General 2019-04-05
38 LNSW Userguide for EOs & SAs General 2019-04-05
39 Industry and Handicraft Development Plan 2019-2020 General 2020-01-15
40 Tax Strategic Plans in 2018-2020 General 2020-01-16
41 Custom Strategic Plan 2020 General 2020-01-20
42 Time Release Study 2019 Lao PDR General 2020-02-12
43 Lao PDR’s Macroeconomic Review 2019 and some challenges to be improved in the future. General 2020-02-14
44 Presentation of the Lao PDR’s Macroeconomic Status 2019 and the future trends General 2020-02-14
45 Handbook of rice quality and export rice to China General 2020-05-08
46 Registration list of pesticides, fertilizers and plant varieties General 2020-05-11
47 Lao PDR’s Standard Beef Farms, STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2018-00003 General 2020-05-22
48 Lao PDR’s Standard Pig Farms, STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2018-00002 General 2020-05-22
49 Lao PDR’s Standard Chicken Farms, STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2018-00004 General 2020-05-22
50 Lao PDR’s quarantine of animals for import-export of cows, buffalos, sheep, goats, STDCODE: AFSTD-LF-2018-00001 General 2020-05-22
51 Lao PDR Annual Report of Trade Preferential 2019. General 2020-06-04
52 Information Communication Technology Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Forestry 2025 General 2020-06-10
53 Ease of Doing Business in Lao PDR 2018-2019, Issue 2, June 2019. General 2020-06-18
54 Doing Business in Lao PDR 2020. General 2020-06-18
55 Assessment of the Lao PDR Macroeconomic in the first 6 months of 2020 during the epidemic COVID-19 General 2020-07-29
56 Lao PDR Annual Report of Trade Preferential 2018. General 2020-08-03
57 Doing Business Reforms in Laos – Action Plan 2020-2025 General 2020-08-06
58 Firm-level survey on the impact of COVID-19 – Preliminary results for Lao PDR General 2020-08-06
59 Rapid assessment impact of COVID-19 on Industrial/Manufacturing Sector of Lao PDR. General 2020-08-07
60 Lao PDR Economic Monitor (June 2020) in the time of COVID-19 General 2020-08-18
61 Country Partnership Framework for Lao PDR (FY2017-2021) General 2020-08-18
62 Customs value declaration of imported goods guidebook General 2020-10-16
63 ASEAN Wide Self Certification: AWSC 2020 General 2020-10-21
64 Procedures, Fees and Timeframe for Registering an Enterprise in Lao PDR General 2020-11-24
65 Lao PDR in the Time of COVID-19 General 2021-01-18
66 Lao PDR Economic Monitor Reports: Supporting Economic Recovery (January 2021) General 2021-03-12
67 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK 2021, APRIL 2021 (Highlights) General 2021-06-08
68 Lao PDR Annual Report of Trade Preferential 2020 General 2021-06-28
69 Economic Report 2021 on the Socio-Economic situation and impacts of the Covid-19 new outbreaks, July 2021 General 2021-07-27
70 Summary of Prioritized Issues and Progress Public-Private Dialogue through the Lao Business Forum (2021) General 2021-07-29
71 Report on Time Release Study 2020 of Lao PDR General 2021-08-16
72 Lao PDR Economic Monitor: A Path to Recovery (August 2021) General 2021-09-01
73 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Regulations of Origin for the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement and ASEAN + General 2021-09-01
74 Guidebook on Business Licenses in Lao PDR (for the Public Sector), printed 2021 General 2021-09-29
75 Guideline book on balancing mechanism of rice in Lao PDR, public on 15 September 2021 General 2021-11-18
76 Manual for preparing export agricultural products to China (Case of Rice and Livestock Exports) 2021 General 2021-12-09
77 MRI Working Paper Series on Agricultural Export Diversification in Lao PDR (October 2021) General 2021-12-17
78 Guide on Responsible Agriculture and Forestry Investment in Lao PDR (A case study for Chinese Investments) General 2022-02-09
79 Strategic Action Plan for Private Sector Development in the Lao PDR 2021-2025 General 2022-02-09
80 Manual guideline to implement the management measures in importing consumer goods (February 2022) General 2022-02-28
81 Provincial Report on Trade and Investment Facilitation (2nd Issue 2022) General 2022-04-12
82 Transforming Lao PDR from a Land-locked to a Land-linked Economy General 2022-06-21
83 Lao PDR Economic Monitor: Restoring Macroeconomic Stability to Support Recovery (April 2022) General 2022-06-21
84 Lao’s National Work Plans for 2021-2025 to implement ASEAN Economic Community General 2022-06-23
85 Imports tractors for agricultural production General 2022-07-14
86 Lao PDR Annual Report of Trade Preferential 2021 General 2022-08-25
87 Lao PDR Macroeconomic Report in the first 6 months of 2022 General 2022-09-15
88 Basic knowledge about the Decree on Pesticide Management for Pesticide Users and Operators (2020) General 2022-10-04
89 Yearbook of Manufacturing Establishments 2021 General 2022-10-18
90 Economic Report 2021 (by Bank of Lao PDR) General 2022-10-28
91 The ASEAN Regional Integration Support – Lao PDR Trade-Related Assistance. General 2022-12-23
92 National Digital Economy Development Vision 2021-2040 - National Digital Economy Development Strategy 2021-2030 - National Digital Economy Development Plan 2021-2025 General 2023-01-11
93 Evaluation of Lao PDR’s Trade Facilitation Road Map 2017-2022 General 2023-05-05
94 LAO PDR ECONOMIC MONITOR - Addressing economic uncertainty (May 2023) General 2023-05-25
95 Time Release Study 2022 in Lao PDR General 2024-01-16
96 Prohibited Drug lists, No. 1171/FDD, dated 19 January 2015 Health 2020-06-08
97 The ASEAN common technical Dossier (ACTD for the Registration of Pharmaceutical for Human Use) Health 2020-07-27
98 ASEAN Guideline for the Conduct of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies Health 2020-07-27
99 ASEAN Guideline on Stability Study Health 2020-07-27
100 ASEAN Variation Guideline for Pharmaceutical Products Health 2020-07-27
101 Guideline on Good Manufacturing Practice (PIC/S-GMP) Health 2020-07-27
102 Medicinal Plants permission of the Ministry of Health. Health 2023-04-11
103 Market Access Opportunities for Lao PDR Trade 2012-02-29
104 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 5 August 2011 (Lao-English) Trade 2012-03-14
105 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 1 November 2008 (Lao - English) Trade 2012-03-14
106 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 2 November 2009 (Lao - English) Trade 2012-03-14
107 Guide to Import and Export (English) Trade 2012-03-15
108 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 3 July 2010 (English) Trade 2012-03-15
109 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 4 February 2011 (Lao-English) Trade 2012-03-15
110 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 6 January 2012 (Lao-English) Trade 2012-03-20
111 Form S Handbook Trade 2012-04-23
112 Trade Facilitation Strategy of Lao P.D.R (2011-2015) Trade 2012-05-16
113 A Handbook for the Transit of Goods Under the Agreement on the Transit of Goods Between Lao PDR and Vietnam Trade 2012-05-16
114 Trade Policy Research Trade 2012-06-19
115 Lao PDR Economic Monitor, May 2012: Sustaining Robust Growth, Mitigating Risks and Deepening Reforms Trade 2012-07-04
116 Report on the Comprehensive Trade Costs of Lao People's Democratic Republic Trade 2012-07-27
117 A Guide for ASEAN Business(ASEAN - Australia - New Zealand Free Trade Area AANZFTA) Trade 2012-08-07
118 Primer on Rules of Origin (ASEAN - Australia - New Zealand Free Trade Area AANZFTA) Trade 2012-08-07
119 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 7 July 2012 (Lao-English) Trade 2012-09-11
120 Lao Economic Monitor, November 2012: Tightening demand to maintain macroeconomic balances Trade 2013-01-03
121 Study on Possible Impacts of the World Trade Organization Accession on Distribution Service in Lao PDR Trade 2013-02-13
122 The Implication of WTO Accession for selected Domestic Industries of Laos Trade 2013-02-13
123 Manuals for Five U.S Product Markets, A tool for Lao Exporters to the U.S Market (Silk Products, Agriculture Products, Apparel Products, Handicraft Products, and Wood Processing Products) Trade 2013-02-18
124 Implication of WTO Accession for Insurance Sector of Laos Trade 2013-03-13
125 Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners "Republic of Korea" Trade 2013-04-23
126 Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners "Australia and New Zealand" Trade 2013-04-23
127 Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners "China" Trade 2013-04-23
128 Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners "India" Trade 2013-04-23
129 Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners "Japan" Trade 2013-04-23
130 Report on Enterprise Survey 2011 Trade 2013-05-23
131 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 8 January 2013 (Lao-English) Trade 2013-09-18
132 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 9 August 2013 (Lao-English) Trade 2013-09-18
133 Lao Trade Portal User Manual Trade 2013-11-13
134 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 10 January 2014 Trade 2014-04-02
135 Trade Facilitation Cost of Non-Cooperation to Consumers in the ASEAN Economic Community Trade 2014-04-02
136 Form D Hand Book Trade 2014-08-13
137 The 9th meeting on border trade development cooperation of Lao PDR and Vietnam Trade 2014-10-16
138 The 9th meeting on border trade development cooperation of Lao PDR and Vietnam Trade 2014-10-16
139 Lao Trade Magazine, Issue 11 December 2014 Trade 2015-03-04
140 Notification Trade 2015-07-10
141 Notification Trade 2015-07-10
142 Form A Hand Book Trade 2015-08-04
143 World Trade Report 2015 Speeding up trade: benefits and challenges of implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Trade 2015-12-09
144 World Tariff Profiles 2015 Trade 2015-12-10
145 Lao economic monitor - Challenges in promoting more inclusive growth and shared prosperity Trade 2016-11-02
146 Lao Trade Magazine, Issued 12, September 2016 Trade 2016-11-03
147 A Field Survey: Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) Faced by Exporters of Lao PDR Trade 2016-11-03
148 A Survey Report of China-ASEAN (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) Trade Facilitation Trade 2016-11-16
149 Lao Trade Portal User Manual 2016 Trade 2017-02-14
150 UNCTAD Guidelines to Collect Data on Official Non-Tariff Measures, September 2014 Version Trade 2017-06-01
151 Trade Facilitation Road Map of Lao PDR for 2017-2022 Trade 2018-01-05