The Department of Import and Export as a Certification Authority of Origin in the Country and as a Coordinating Point of Certification of Origin for trading partners within Free Trade Agreements and unilateral Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), has regularly implemented and collected regular export figures to report to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the ASEAN Secretariat on a regular basis each year. The GSP figures of Lao PDR is utilized to analyze, research and set out policies to promote the potential products of the country. By the meantime, this information is an important determinant of decision-making for trade negotiation rounds and important database for interested parties.
Visitors could access the import and export statistics under the GSP of Lao PDR in a different period of time as follows:
1. Export Statistic under forms: A, D, E, S, SPT, AI, AK, AJ, AANZ, DFTP, APTA, CO-Korea year 2015
2. Export Statistic under forms: A, D, E, S, SPT, AI, AK, AJ, AANZ, DFTP, APTA, CO-Korea year 2016
3. Import and Export statistic under Trade Preferences of Lao PDR from 2013 - 2017
4. Import and Export Statistic under Trade Preferences of Lao PDR year 2018
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