For Entrepreneur:

1. Application form to request Confirmation of Product Eligibility (CPE): An application that exporter need to fill to submit to Rule of Origin office.

Download:  Application to request CPE

Download:  Application to renew CPE

2. Detailed letter on processing procedure, capital and price of goods: is a type of document providing detailed information on good production per capital unit of goods to be used to ask for Certificate of Origin approval confirmation.

Download Lao: Detailed letter on processing procedure, capital and price of goods

Download Lao: Request letter for issuing authority to check factory 

3. Declaration form for authorized signature and authorized person to run the document of company: is an application which the company must submit to the Certificate of Origin Officer before asking for the Certificate of Origin.

Download Lao: Declaration form for authorized signature and authorized person to run the document of company

4. Application form to request preferential certificate of origin: is and application which the company must submit to a Certificate of Origin Officer to obtain the Certificate of Origin.

Download Lao: Application form to request referential Certificate of Origin

5. Summarize form for CO Form usage: Form that exporter need to summarize CO form that had been use or damage or not in use to submit to Roo’s office before purchase CO form.

Download: Summarize form for CO Form usage

For Authority:

1. Draft of CPE: Use as sample to issue CPE for Exporter.

Download: Draft of CPE

2. Draft for buying CO Form: For exporter to fill information to buy CO Form in each time.

Download: Draft for buying CO Form



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