The Inventory of Business Formalities (IBF)

To scope the inventory, all business formalities are grouped into the following 3 main types:

  • The operating licenses, meaning any formality required and without which business cannot operate in Lao PDR (i.e. Power Operating License, Processing Plant Operating License);
  • The formalities needed for certain activities and needed as a pre-requisite conditions before the application of the operating licenses (i.e. Construction Permit, Environmental Compliance Certificate, Capital Importation Certificate), and
  • Other kind of formalities that the laws required the submission of information or document to the relevant authorities (i.e. the Registration of the intellectual property rights or the Registration of Medicine or Cosmetics).

The IBF is organized into a series of cross-relational databases which include detailed information on each formality such as name, purpose, qualifications needed, official fees, responsible authority, legal framework, supporting documents required by the authority and statistics (i.e. the yearly frequency).

In total 208 formalities have been collected, which are listed in the separate file below:

1. Permit to Use Enterprise Seal
2. License to Establish a Mass Media Organisation
3. Certificate for the Registration of Social Security
4. License to provide Environment Service
5. License to Establish an Employment Service Enterprise
6. License to Operate a Money Exchange Business
7. License to Operate Entertainment Business
8. Registration of Seedlings
9. License for the Establishment of the Commercial Bank and the Branch of International Commercial Bank
10. License to Operate Electricity Enterprise
11. License to Operate Financial Leasing Company
12. License to Operate the General Insurance Company
13. License to Establish Skill Development Center
14. Notarisation of Documents to confirm its Validity
15. License to Operate a Pawnshop Business
16. Registration of Document
17. License to Establish a Deposit-Taking Microfinance
18. License to Register a Non Deposit-Taking Microfinance
19. License to Establish the Insurance Broker Company
20. Approval of the Internal Labour Regulation
21. Registration of Fertiliser
22. Certificate of Annual Tax Payment
23. License to Establish the Insurance Agency
24. License to Invest in Concession Business
25. License to Establish a Postal Service Business
26. License to Establish a Ordinary School (Primary and Secondary School)
27. Certificate for the Issuance of the Tax Identification Number
28. License for Operation of the Life Insurance Business
29. Registration of Pesticides
30. Certificate of the Capital Importation
31. License to Operate ICT Equipment and Electronic Parts Manufacturing
32. Request for Importation Quota of Foreign Labour
33. Permit to Receive or Provide the Offshore Loan
34. Permit to Open Offshore Bank Account
35. License to Operate Accounting Enterprise
36. Certificate to approve the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
37. License to Establish a Money Transfer Company
38. License to Operate a Telecommunication Business
39. License to Operate Auditing Enterprise
40. Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Public Company
41. Certificate to Confirm the Compliance of the Enterprise Accounting
42. License to Operate a Industrial and Handicraft Processing Plant
43. Permit to Use and Sell the Enterprise Accounting Programme
44. Permit to Import and Export Movies
45. License to Establish a Cinema
46. License to Operate an Internet Cafe Type 1
47. License to Operate an Internet Data Center and Cloud Service
48. License to Operate ICT Consulting Business
49. Registration of Petty Patent
50. License to Establish a Publishing House
51. License to Establish a Printed Advertisement Design Shop
52. Permit to Import Foreign Worker
53. License to Operate the Business relating to Software and Internet Information Centre
54. Certificate of Fuel Quality at the Border
55. License to Establish a Book and Publication Distributing Company and Store
56. License to Conduct an ICT Equipment Importation Business
57. Certificate for the approval of the Feasibility Study of the Power Project
58. License to provide ICT Installation and Reparation Service
59. License to Establish a Printing Houses or Printing Stores
60. Certificate for the approval of the Basic Feasibility Study of the Mining Project
61. Certificate for the approval of the detailed Feasibility Study of the Mine Exploration
62. License to Establish Mineral Processing Plant
63. License to Conduct Mining Exploitation
64. Approval of the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Plan
65. License to Conduct Mine Exploration
66. Permit to Commence the Operation of Hydropower Project
67. License to Conduct Mine Prospecting
68. Certificate for the Fuel Dispenser Inspection
69. License to Operate a Foreign Credit Rating Agency
70. Business Visa for Work (LA-B2)
71. License to Operate Passenger Transportation
72. Certificate for the registration of Products Packaging
73. Certificate of Electricity Meter Inspection
74. License to Establish Securities Company
75. Permit to Construct on and by the Water
76. License to Excavate Rock and Sand from Water
77. Permit to Use the ASICUDA User for Customs Clearance
78. Confirmation of the Import and Export Duties Payment
79. License to Operate a Private Hospital
80. License to Operate the Private Medical Clinic
81. Licenses to Establish a Vocational Education Institute
82. License to Establish a Custodian Bank
83. License to provide Accounting and Audit Services relating to Securities
84. License to Operate Irrigation Business
85. License to Operate Animal Health Clinics
86. Licenses to Operate an Animal Pharmacy and Equipment Shop
87. Permit to Export Imitated Heritage Artifact
88. License to Establish a Museum
89. License to Establish an Animal Farm
90. Permit for Foreign Labour to Work in Lao
91. License to Establish a Library
92. Licenses to Establish a Translation Company
93. License to Carry out Electronic Transactions Business
94. License to Operate Gaming Business
95. License to Operate the Business relating to Signage
96. Approval of the Signage Content
97. Registration of Patent
98. Certificate for the Registration of Industrial Design
99. Certificate for the Registration of Trademark
100. Certificate for the Registration of Layout-design of Integrated Circuits
101. Permit to Print the Publications
102. Certificate of Fuel Truck Inspection
103. License to Establish Slaughter House
104. Certificate of approving the Technical Feasibility Plan for Agriculture Production
105. Registration of Boat
106. Permit to Produce a Movie
107. Certificate for the Registration of Geographical Indication
108. Registration of New Plant Variety
109. Notification of Copyright
110. Permit to Commence the Hydropower Project Construction
111. Permit for first Water Impoundment of the Hydropower Project
112. License to Establish the Pre-School Education Institution
113. License to Harvest Materia Medical Pharmacognosy Resources Listed in Class 1
114. License to Conduct ICT Business for ICT Security Service
115. Certificate to confirm the Accuracy of Weighing Machine
116. Permit to Collect Mining Information
117. Permit to Extract Mineral Ore for Analysis and Test
118. License to Operate Restaurant and Pub Business
119. Certificate of Water Meter Inspection
120. License to Establish a Housing Surveys, Design and Consultant Business
121. License to Establish House Construction Business
122. License to Establish Vehicle and Machine Reparation Business
123. Certificate for the Registration of Food
124. License to Operate the Retail Pharmacy Shop
125. Certificiate for the Registration of Medicine
126. Approval of the Advertisement Content of Food, Medicine and Medical Device
127. Permit to Construct a Building Structure
128. License to Operate Tourism Service Business
129. License to Operate Medicine and Medical Device Factory
130. License to Operate Direct Sales Business
131. License to Operate Medicine and Medical Device Import-Export Company
132. License to Operate Foreign Medicine and Medical Device Distributor
133.Permit to Use the Radio Frequency Communication
134.License to Operate Business relating to Narcotics and Psychotropic substances
135.License to Establish a Legal Enterprise
136.Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Sole Company Limited
137.License to Operate Domestic Wholesale of Medicine and Medical Devices
138.Registration of Cosmetic Products
139.License to Establish the Business relating to Fine Arts
140.License to Operate Fuel Importation and Exportation Business
141.Permit to Install Advertisement Signage
142.Approval of the Annual Fuel Distribution
143.License to Establish High Education Institution
144.License to Operate Air Ticket Sale and Reservation Agents
145.License to Invest in the Controlled Business
146.License to Operate Business relating to Wildlife and Aquatic Life
147.Certificate to confirm Land Ownership
148.Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Sole-Trader Enterprise
149.Permit to Lease or get Concession of State Land
150.Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Limited Partnership Enterprise
151.Certificate of Chemical Substance Registration
152.License to Operate Air Transport Business
153.Certificate of Airworthiness
154.Certificate for Aircraft Personnel and Technical Staff
155.License to Operate Domestic Airport
156.Approval of Movie Content
157.License to Establish Sports and Aerobic Business
158.License to Operate the Road and Bridge Construction Business
159.Approval of the Performing Arts Products
160.License to Operate Domestic Fuel Distribution Business
161.License to Operate a Water Transport Business
162.Permit to Perform a Performing Arts Event
163.Registration of Land-related Transactions
164.License to Operate Car Rental Business
165.License to Operate Transportation Station
166.License to Operate International or Transit Goods Transportation Business
167.License to Operate a Taxi Business
168.License to Operate Freight Forwarder Business
169.Licenses to Operate Domestic Transportation Business
170.License to Operate Railway Business
171.Certificate for the Establishment of Branch of Lao Enterprise
172.License to Operate a Driving School
173.License to Establish the Vehicle Technical Inspection Centre
174.License to Operate a Road and Traffic-related Business
175.License to ICT Equipment Distribution Business
176.License to Develop Special Economic Zone
177.License to Establish a Representative Office
178.Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Company Limited
179.Certificate for Enterprise Registration of Ordinary Partnership Enterprise
180.Permit to Discharge Wastewater from the Processing Plant
181.Licence to Operate the Chemical Substance Business
182.Permit to Import the Chemical Substances
183.License to Operate Hotel and Guesthouse Business
184.License to Operate Agriculture and Forestry Business
185.Visa for Investor (NI-B2 or I-B2)
186.License to Operate a Logistic Business
187.Permit to Convert Agriculture or Forestry Land for other Purpose in Vientiane Capital
188.Certificate for Aircraft Registration
189.License to Operate Fuel Station
190.License to Operate an Internet Cafe Type 2
191.License to Operate ICT Equipment Composition Business
192.License to Operate Mineral and Mineral Products Trading Business
193.Permit to Transport Mineral and Mineral Products
194.License to Operate Fishery Business
195.Permit for Land Clearing before Forest Plantation
196.Registration of Wood Cutting Machine
197.Permit to Construct the Mining Infrastructure and Processing Plant
198.Registration a Animal Farm
199.Permit to Stay for Foreign Labor
200.Permit to Stay for Foreign Investor
201.Final Formalities Eng
202.Permit for the Import and Export of an Animal's Products
203.Registration of Forest Plantation
204.License to Establish a Construction Business
205.License to Operate International Airport
206.License to Establish an Assets Evaluation Company
207.License to Operate Fuel Storage Renting Business
208.License to Operate ICT Training Business

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