​Free Trade Areas (FTAs)

Preferences that Laos benefits from free trade agreements which is most important to Laos is the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA). Laos has also signed free trade agreements with ASEAN dialogue countries: Closer Economic Relations (Australia and New Zealand), China, India, Japan and Korea. In addition, Laos is a party to other FTAs: Lao-Vietnam Trade Agreement and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA).

Laos is exporting and benefiting from preferential treatment to ASEAN markets mainly to Thailand with the exports totaled US$623 million in 2012, followed by Vietnam and Singapore, amounting to US$69 million and US$44 million, respectively. The preferential exports to Malaysia and Indonesia were each less than US$2 million. Laos also exports to ASEAN dialogue partners including China, Japan and Korea with such exporting items as agriculture, garments, handicrafts and non-timber forestry products. Other dialogue partner markets include Australia India and New Zealand.      

ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)

Laos benefits from trade preference in the form of tariff exemption or reduction under the ATIGA from 9 other ASEAN members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Exports from Laos destined to these markets are subject 0% tariff rates for most agricultural and industrial products since 2010, except for those under the General Exception List (GEL) as well as under the Sensitive List (SL) exporting to newer ASEAN members (Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam) which will be cut to 0% rate by 2018.

The document required for preference under this regime is the certificate of origin Form D.          

ASEAN-Australia and New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA)

Laos can export with reduced or exempted tariff rates under the AANZ free trade area from 11 countries: Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The document required is the certificate of origin Form AANZ.

Download: Form for Certificate of Origin under the AANZFTA

ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA)

The trade preference in terms of tariff exemption or reduction under the ACFTA covers 10 countries (9 other ASEAN members and China).

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form E.

ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA)

The trade preference in terms of tariff exemption or reduction under the AIFTA covers 10 countries (9 other ASEAN members and India).

The document required is the certificate of origin Form AI.

ASEAN-Japan Free Trade Agreement (AJFTA) 

The trade preference (tariff exemption or reduction) under the AJFTA covers 10 countries (9 other ASEAN members and Japan). 

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form AJ.

ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA) 

Laos is subject to exempted or reduced tariffs under the AKFTA from 10 countries which includes 9 other ASEAM members and Korea.

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form AK.

Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)

Laos benefits from trade preference in terms of tariff exemption or reduction under the APTA from countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Korea and Sri Lanka.

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form APTA.

ASEAN-Hong Kong, China FTA (AHKFTA)

The trade preference (tariff exemption or reduction) under the AHKFTA covers 10 countries (9 other ASEAN members and Hong Kong, China). 

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form AHK.

Laos-Vietnam Trade Agreement

Apart from ASEAN, Laos also benefits from reciprocal access under the trade agreement between Laos and Vietnam for 32 tariff lines with 50% of the AFTA/CEPT rate, while all other products are 0% rate, except for 155 tariff lines which fall under the GEL of Vietnam.

The document required for preferential treatment is the certificate of origin Form S.



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