
Russia is one of the developed countries which joined the project granting GSP to developing and Least-Developed  countries under initiative project of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) from  1992 up to present which includes 147 countries/Russia territories obtained benefits from Russia GSP Scheme.

In 2007, Russia established Customs Union with 2 nations (Belarus and Kazakhstan) and reform new GSP (For details click here).

Generalized System of Preferences

​The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) of  Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia  includes 2 types as follows:

General Preferential Tariff (GPT) treatment

It is given to 103 of developing countries, by reducing and exempting from normal tariff rate MFN of 25%  which covers products of 2,800 items (10-digit levels of HS Code) to certaine Agricultural and Industrialy’ Products.

Special  treatment for LDCs

It is  preferential tariff treatment granted to 49 LDCs, by reducing or exempting from normal tariff rate (MFN) which covered approximately 2800 items (10-digit levels of HS Code)  to certian agricultural and Industrial products (For details click here).

Agriculture products are : chapter 02 (meat), chapter 15 (oils and animal, chapter 16 (foods) and chapter 20 (vegetable andfruit productions) and etc.

Industrial products are : chapter 25 (salt), chapter 33 (cosmetics), chapter 40 ( rubber), chapter 44 (wood), chapter 94 (furniture) and etc.

(Rules of Origin : ROO)

Products from Lao PDR that can obtain preferential treatment to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia have to fulfill the criteria as follows:

1. Wholly Produced or Obtained: WO.
2.Goods which produed by using imported  of raw  or parts of materials, the amount value added does not exceed 50% of factory  prices.


To obtian trade preferential of the Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, transportation have to be directly consigned from Lao PDR to those  countries. In case of consigning through third  country, the products are not undergone any operations other than unloading and reloading or any operation required to keep them in good condition and the products have to remained under the customs control of third country.


This GSP is used to all goods under exemption list, by using Form A. In case value  of goods does not exceedUSD 5000, it’s no need to apply for Form A but the exporters have to declare  invoice or other shipping documents.

Certificate of origin

Products that can obtain preferentail treatment have to be products on the lists that meet origination criteria and have Certifictae of Origin as reference documents strickly.  Certicate of origin use under Lao PDR and those countries called Form A.

Form A can be found at the Department of Import and Export or Industy and Commerce of Provincial and Vientiane Capital or Specific Economic Zone Vientiane-Nonthong.

Document needed for request Certificate of origin are follows :

1.) Application letter

2.) Printed of Certificate of Origin

3.) Invoices and Packing list

4.) Customs Declaration

5.) True copy of Bill of Lading

6.) Bill of purchasing (in case of buying)  

7). Cost statement or working’s process (in case of imported raw materials)

For more informations

Certificate Of Origin Division,

Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Tel/Fax : 021 450 255

Website :


Email : [email protected], [email protected]

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