NameProhibition to export prohibited narcotic drugs
DescriptionNarcotic drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, ketamine, opium, marijuana and other narcotic drugs are not allowed to export
CommentsFor public order and national security
Validity From2008-01-14
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 9, 24 and 56 of Law no. 10/NA, dated 25 December 2007, and Article 9 and 56 of Law (amended) no. 02/NA, dated 09 August 2021
Technical Code
Measure TypeProhibited Goods
AgencyMinistry of Public Security
Legal Document- Law on Narcotic No. 10/NA, dated 25 December 2007
- Amending some articles of the Law on Drugs No. 02/NA, date 09 August 2021
Is StandardNo
UN CodeP31
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2022-07-22 13:52:25
Updated Datetime2024-03-14 15:17:31
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