Food and Drug Department (FDD), Ministry of Health

Submit the following documents to FDD:
1) Food import license application (Appendix 2) (1 copy);
2) Invoice (2 copies);
3) Packing slip (2 copies);
4) Any food safety certification from the exporting country such as: Free sale Certificate, GHP, GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000 or other certification from the food safety management organization of the exporting country, at least 03 months validity (in English and original version, if the copy is to be stamped by the importing company) (1 copy);
5) Certificate of research from the food safety management agency of the exporting country or an officially accredited research laboratory, at least still valid for the production package (in English and the original version, if the copy is for the importer company) (2 copies);
6) Enterprise registration (1 copy);
7) A label or sticker in Lao language (1 copy);
8) Samples of food products (1 sample per type);
9) Food registration certificate of Lao PDR (if any) (1 copy).
FDD reviews the application and request for more information if required.
Collect the Import Permit when it is ready.

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
Step-by-Step Guide
# Process name Process short name Activity
1 Step by Step: How to Import Food and Beverage Step by Step: How to Import Food and Beverage Import
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