Ministry of Industry and Commerce

                                                                            Permanent Secretariat Office                                                                    2647/MOIC.PSO

Vientiane, dated 30 October 2018



         To:  -    Head of Department of Industry and Commerce in Provinces, Vientiane Capital

  • Office of Industry and Commerce in District.

           Subject:  The raising awareness of the reduction of using plastic bags for goods containers and other containers made of plastic


  • Pursuant to the organization and implementations of Ministry of Industry and Commerce no. 230/PM, dated 24th July 2017.
  • Pursuant to Memorandum Meeting on eliminate plastic bag and banned import plastic waste between Vice Minister of Industry and Commerce and Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, dated 15th June 2018.


            In order to raise awareness for shops, restaurants, markets and consumers to reduce of using plastic bags for goods containers and other containers made of plastic. This is also to environmental protection and economic development in the green direction.


Permanence Secretariat Office of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce issue the Notification as follow:


  1. The Office of Industry and Commerce in Provinces, Vientiane Capital coordinate with Office of Industry and Commerce in Districts, the Natural Resources and Environmental Sector in the province, capital and other sectors to encourage shops, restaurants and markets to operate as following:
    1. 1. Reduce the amount of use and step forward to stop of the using of plastic bags and containers for consumers by using compostable materials or eco-friendly cloth bags and can be recycled.
    2. 2. Offer facilities to sell bags, containers that can be recycled in the area near counter shops, or convenient area for the visibility of customers who need to use a bag for packing.
    3. 3. Disseminate by using posters and create the promotion activities for reduce using plastic bags for goods containers and other containers made of plastic by encourage customers to use cloth bags or containers that can be recycled and eco-friendly.
    4. 4. Use marketing activities to encourage consumers to reduce and stop using plastic bags, for example: If consumers do not use plastic bags or containers for packing goods or food that will receive a discount of 500 to 1,000 kip, as appropriate or issue an environmental stamp of world fair to collect rewards points and other discounts.
  1. The Department of Industry and Commerce in Provinces, Vientiane Capital coordinate with Office of Industry and Commerce in Districts to monitor the shops, restaurants and markets under their responsibility to implement this notification to become effective.
  2. The Department of Industry and Commerce in the provinces, capital coordinate with the Natural Resources and Environmental Sector in the provinces, capital to evaluate the implementation of this notice,  by having a policy of promoting great stores that promote eco-friendly trade.
  3. This notification shall enter into since the date of signature.


Therefore, this must be inform and implement this order effectively.


Head of Permanent Secretariat Office,

Ms. Banesaty Thepphavong                   



# Title Download
1 Notification on the raising awareness of the reduction of using plastic bags for goods containers and other containers made of plastic, No. 2647/PSO.MOIC, dated 30 October 2018 PDF
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