Laos People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


                                                                                            Ministry of Finance                                                                                             


Vientiane Capital, dated 02 November 2018




            To:      -           Head Governor of Vientiane Capital

  • Head Governor of Luangphabang province
  • Head Governor of Vientiane province
  • Head Governor of Bolikhamxay province
  • Head Governor of Savannakhet province
  • Head Governor of Khammoun province
  • Head Governor of Champasak province 
  • : The officially launch of Tax Revenue Information System (TaxRIS)


  •      Pursuant to the Decree on Structure and Implementation of Ministry of Finance, No 114/GoL, dated 8 May 2017


The Ministry of Finance kindly inform the officially launch of Tax Revenue Information System “TaxRIS” (new system) of Tax Department as detail following:

  1. Starting on 15 October 2018, The tax identification number will issued along with enterprise registration while the enterprise requests to set up of new enterprise from Enterprise Registration and Management Department (DERM), Ministry of Industry and Commerce through the country, where as Enterprise Registration and Management sector utilize the system and connect to the Tax Revenue Information System (TaxRIS) .
  2. After the enterprise’s received enterprise registration certificate containing with tax identification number such enterprise can start business as legally and within 90 days from the date of getting the business license, the enterprise shall contact the tax administration to complete tax information as required properly in accordance to the laws and regulations. If an enterprise fails to comply with such tax administration, which mean the enterprise is considered to be inactive and subjected to Article 22 of Enterprise Law.
  3.  For the enterprises who was issued enterprise registration before 15/10/2018, enterprise obtained business registration from Enterprise Registration and Management Department (DERM) which are no integrated with TaxRIS system that cannot be able issue tax identification number together with business license, the enterprise asked for business registration through other line agencies excepted commerce sector and non-enterprise taxpayers: individuals, organizations are requires to provide tax identification the Tax Office where enterprises are dependent on or be able to apply tax identification number on their own through (;
  4.  Starting on 5/11/2018, the new print the tax identification number system in the new form of the new tax forms and enterprises be able to apply tax identification number on their own through ( which will be applied at 5 provincial of Tax Departments (Vientaine Capital, Luangphabang, Vientiance, Savannakhet and Champasak) and 5 districts Tax Office (Sikhottabong, Xaysettha, Sisatthanak and Luangphabang city).
  5. The system will be launched in early 2019 at the provincials tax office (Bolikhamxay and Khammoun) and districts tax Offuce (Vang Vieng, Paksan, Thakhek, Kaisonphomvihan and Pakse) and plans to develop utilize the system to the rest of the country by the end 2019.

Therefore, this must be informed in order to assist the direction, monitoring on implementation of the tax revenue management system successfully. It is also to encourage the enterprise units to use the system applying tax return and paying tax through the banks widely.


Hence, this must be informed and well cooperated.  

On behalf of the Minister

Deputy Minister,

Mr Bounchom Ubopaseuth.


# Title Download
1 Notification on the officially launch of Tax Revenue Information System (TaxRIS) No.3532/MoF, dated 02 November 2018 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ເປີດນຳໃຊ້ລະບົບຂໍ້ມູນຂ່າວສານຄຸ້ມຄອງລາຍຮັບສ່ວຍສາອາກອນ (ລະບົບໃໝ່) ເລກທີ 3532/ກງ, ລົງວັນທີ 02 ພະຈິກ 2018 PDF
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