Other Useful Links

This page contains links to the websites of other organizations or institutions.  

By clicking on the links below you will be directed to an external website.  The Lao Trade Portal is not responsible for the content of these websites.

Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Industry and Commerce -  Department of Foreign Trade

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Trade Negotiation and Economic Cooperation

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Enterprise Registration

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Enterprise Registration: All forms

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Industry

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Trade Development Facility

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Trade and Handicraft Promotion

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Promotion Office

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Import-Export Database Management Registration

Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Department of Internal Trade

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Ministry of Energy and Mines

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Technology and Communications

Bank of Lao PDR

Lao Government

National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Lao e-Commerce

Lao Labour Market Information System

ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)

WTO (World Trade Organization)

World Bank - Trade

European Union Export Help Desk

Lao National Committee for Special Economic Zone

Official Gazette Ministry of Justice

Tax Department

Customs Department

Food and Drug Department

Department of Trade Promotion and Handicraft

Food and Drug Department: All forms

Department of Intellectual Property

Tax Revenue Information System "TaxRIS"

ASEAN Trade Repository

Brunei Darussalam National Trade Repository

National Trade Repository of Cambodia

Indonesia National Trade Repository

Malaysia National Trade Repository

Myanmar National Trade Portal

Philippine National Trade Repository

Singapore National Trade Repository

Thailand National Trade Repository

Vietnam National Trade Repository

The Kingdom of Lesotho Trade Portal

Indian Trade Portal

Lao service portal 

Online Accounting Programm (ASSET)


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