(Unofficial translation)




Ministry of Finance

Department of Customs

 Vientiane Capital, date 12 December 2018



To: Relevant divisions of the Department of Customs, the Customs Administration Division, the Provincial Customs Inspection Division, and border customs checkpoints across the country.

- Entrepreneurs operating in the fuel import business throughout the country.

Subject: Self-Monitoring Form for moving gasoline B88 (Customs Duty-Taxes Payment)

  • Pursuant to the Customs Law No.04/NA, dated 20 December 2011, and the Customs Law (Amended) No.57/NA, dated 24 December 2014;
  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Ministry of Finance No.3463/MOF, dated 29 October 2019;
  • Pursuant to the Instruction of the Customs Department on the self-management and application of fuel movement monitoring (duties-tax), No.06775/DC, dated 09 November 2018.
  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Customs Department No.07014/KPD, dated November 2018;

Director-General of Customs has issued as follows:

1. Importers should hurry to submit the necessary documents to the Customs Department to review the conditions and issue an agreement for a self-fuel moving license (duties-tax)/B88 by the rules and regulations.

2. The self-fuel moving license (duties-tax)/B88 is effective from 03 January 2019 onwards. This notification replaces the notification on the issuance of documents for the movement of collateral (for fuel), No. 0729/DC, dated 12 February 2018.

3. The relevant departments and importers of the Department of Customs, the Customs Administration Division, the Provincial Customs Inspection Division, and the Customs Border Checkpoints across the country should together implement in accordance.

Therefore, please be informed and implement strictly.


Acting Director General of the Department of Customs

Bounpaserth Sykounlabout

# Title Download
1 Notification on the Implementation of Self-Monitoring Form for Fuel Movement (Customs Duty-Taxes Payment) No.07992/CD, dated 12 December 2018 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດໃບຕິດຕາມການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍນ້ຳມັນເຊື້ອໄຟ (ເສຍພາສີ-ອາກອນ) ດ້ວຍຕົນເອງ ບໍ88 ສະບັບເລກທີ 07992/ກພສ, ລົງວັນທີ 12 ທັນວາ 2018 PDF
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