Ministry of Industry and Commerce

                                                                                                 Cabinet Office                                                                                               

No.  0577/OIC.DTD

Vientiane, date 20 March 2019




To:            - President of Lao Petroleum and Gas Association.

                  - Company Directors of Import and Wholesale Petroleum.

Subject:    The Improvement of Petroleum Business According to Criterions and Conditions of Decree no. 331/PM.


  • Pursuant to Decree on Petroleum Business no. 331/PM, dated 27 July 2017.
  • Pursuant to Instruction on the Implementation of Some Article Content of Decree no. 331/PM, dated 0521/MOIC.DTD, dated 02 May 2018.


          To continue implement the Notification of Cabinet Office of Ministry of Industry and Commerce no. 2594/OIC.DTD, dated 18 October 2018, as to make the improvement of petroleum business in compliance and consistence with criterions and conditions as stipulated in the Decree no. 331/PM in timely manner. After the consultation meeting with the petroleum import and wholesale companies two times previously resulted that there were number of companies expressed their intentions to continue improving the criterions and conditions as stipulated in the Decree. Therefore, to reconfirm the intention on their own improvements.


The Cabinet Office of Ministry of Industry and Commerce hereby to inform and perform as follows:


  1. Petroleum import and wholesale company which has intention to continue improving to become the petroleum import and export company as before, shall adjust its enterprise registration certificate (In case the registration capitals not exceed 150 billion kips), and submit the documents related to the property assessment certifications and the improvement certification documents according to each condition and criterion of the Decree to the Domestic Trade Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce no longer than on 01 May 2019.
  2. From date on 01 June 2019, the importing petroleum for supplying its own customer shall comply with conditions as stipulated in Decree no. 331/PM. Therefore, which company does not meet the criterions and conditions as stipulated in the Decree shall not be allowed to import petroleum.
  3. Petroleum station shall complete its own improvement and request the Office of Industry and Commerce of Capital and Provinces for adjustment of the enterprise registration certificate no longer than on 01 May 2020.


       Therefore, this is notified for your acknowledgement.



                                                                                                      Head of Cabinet Office


                                                                                                      Banesaty Theppavong



  • Management of Ministry of Industry and Commerce      For report
  • Department of Enterprise Registration and Management, Department of Import and Export, Domestic Trade Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce     For acknowledgement
  • Customs Department, Tax Department, Ministry of Finance          For acknowledgement


# Title Download
1 Notification on the improvement of petroleum business to meet the conditions in Decree 331/PM No./PSO.DDT, dated 20 March 2019 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການປັບປຸງທຸລະກິດນ້ຳມັນເຊື້ອໄຟ ຕາມມາດຖານເງື່ອນໄຂ ດຳລັດ 331/ນຍ ເລກທີ 0577/ຫອຄ.ກຄພນ, ລົງວັນທີ 20 ມີນາ 2019 PDF
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