(Unofficial translation)




Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Department of Import and Export

No. 2790/DIMEX

Vientiane Capital, 29 May 2019




To: Vehicle Import and Export Companies.

Subject: The use of Lao National Single Window (LNSW) to manage the import of vehicles at the international custom checkpoint Friendship Bridge No.1 (Vientiane Capital).


- Pursuant to the Notification of the Customs Department No. 04146/DC, dated 23 May 2019 on the use of the Lao National Single Window system to manage the import of vehicles at the international custom checkpoint Friendship Bridge No.1


The Department of Import and Export (DIMEX) is pleased to inform you that the import and export of vehicles at the international custom checkpoint Friendship Bridge No.1 (Vientiane Capital) will start using the Lao National Single Window (LNSW) system from 24 May 2019 onwards. All import and export of vehicle through the Friendship Bridge No.1 (Vientiane Capital) that must follow the LNSW System. For any company that has not yet registered to use, please register as soon as possible by contacting the company to develop National Single Window tax declaration system limited and apply for training and user code of the system by downloading the form on the website. www.prod.laonsw.net or www.laotradeportal.gov.la. The implementation must not later than 23 June 23 2019 and from 24 June 2019 onwards, all imports and exports of vehicles through Friendship Bridge 1 (Vientiane Capital) must process information and documents through LNSW System. For the import and export of international customs, other checkpoints can continue to use the paper work until further notice.


Therefore, we would like to inform you for your reference and implementation.

Director General

Souliyon Philavong

# Title Download
1 Notification on the Launch of Lao National Single Window (LNSW) for managing the import of vehicle at International Customs Checkpoint (Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge I at Vientiane Capital) No. 2790/DIMEX.IEMD, dated 29 May 2019 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ການນໍາໃຊ້ລະບົບແຈ້ງພາສີປະຕູດຽວ (LNSW) ເຂົ້າໃນການຄຸ້ມຄອງການນໍາເຂົ້າພາຫະນະ ຢູ່ ດ່ານພາສີສາກົນຂົວມິດຕະພາບ 1 (ນະຄອນ ຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ) ເລກທີ 2790/ກຂອ.ບຂອ, ລົງວັນທີ 29 ພຶດສະພາ 2019 PDF
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