Ministry of Finance

                                                                                                 Customs Department                                                                                                 

No.   10036/CD

Vientiane, date 11 December 2019





To:            Head of Customs Inspection Unit I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.

                  Head of Border Customs Checkpoints Across the Country.


Subject:    Inspection of Container Security Seal for Exported Wooden, Minerals, Agriculture and General Products.


  • Pursuant to Law on Customs no. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011 and Law on Customs (Amended Some Articles) no. 57/NA, dated 24 December 2014.
  • Pursuant to Prime Minister’s Order no. 12/PM, dated 16 October 2019 on Facilitation of Import and Export, Temporary Import, Trade in Transit and Domestic Movement of Goods in Lao PDR.


       In the past, Customs Department issued the Notification no. 02252/CD, dated 11 May 2018 on the Management of Container Security Seal for Specific Task of Customs Administration which the Customs Inspection Units and Border Customs Checkpoints were attentive on the implementation. Meanwhile, there were the use of container security seals of the committee appointed from relevant sectors for export management from the origin to the exporting border in consistence with the Prime Minister’s Order no. 12/PM, dated 16 October 2019 on Facilitation of Import and Export, Temporary Import, Trade in Transit and Domestic Movement of Goods in Lao PDR in facilitated and speedy manner, reduce procedures and time for releasing goods at the border customs checkpoints.


Director General of Customs Department notifies:


  1. The Customs Inspection Units across the country are assigned to guide the Border Customs Checkpoints under their responsibilities to take initiative in monitoring and inspecting the exported products that are wooden products, minerals, agriculture products and general products by facilitating the export in accurate manner, and in consistence with laws and regulations.
  2. The inspection of type, volume, quantity, weight, price, source and other data according to the specified list mentioned in paragraph 1 above shall undertake inspection by the risk management or the use of technique and modern tools and equipment in comparation with the inspection of permit documents of the Industry and Commerce sector; natural resource payment documents, origin certification and permit documents of Agriculture and Forestry; certification  and security seal documents of the goods inspection committee appointed from relevant government sectors; and detailed customs declaration forms. It is not allowed to remove the security seal of relevant sectors to undertake additional actual goods inspection.
  3. The Border Customs Checkpoint where the scanner is in place shall use such scanner for inspecting the exported goods in efficient and effective manner. For the Border Customs Checkpoint where the scanner is not in place shall refer to the certain source of information and information assurance by not making difficulty for exporting entrepreneur, and to make the facilitation and promotion condition for the exporting business.
  4. In case of the security seal of relevant sector is noticed as irregular manner such as: damaged, broken or suspicious and reliable source of information, the border customs officer shall collaborate with relevant sector or the goods inspection committee from origin or the border checkpoint management where exported goods, the product owner, the transporter or the authorized person to meet each other, remove the security seal and inspect the actual goods together.
  • In case of the illegal smuggling is found, the border customs officers is assigned to undertake the inspection note and measure according to laws and regulations strictly.
  • In case of the offense is not found, shall undertake the joint note with relevant sectors to release goods immediately.
  1. The Customs Inspection Units across the country is assigned to monitor and inspect the practical implementation of the border customs checkpoints under their responsibilities regularly and ensure the facilitation for exporting goods.
  2. Any issue or difficulty is found during the practical implementation, shall report the Customs Department for guidance of implementation.
  3. This Instruction shall become effective from the date of signature.


       Therefore, this Instruction is issued for acknowledgement and implementation strictly.


Acting Director General of Customs Department


     Bounpaseuth Sikounlabout



  • Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance              01 copy as a report.
  • Deputy Ministers of Finance                                     01 copy as a report.
  • Department of Import and Export,

Ministry of Industry and Commerce                              01 copy as a report.

  • Management of Customs Department                     01 copy for follow-up.
  • Divisions of Customs Department                            01 copy for follow-up.
  • Customs Inspection Units                                         01 copy for guidance and follow-up.
  • Border Customs Checkpoints                                   01 copy for implementation.
  • Stored                                                                       01 copy.





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