These years, Laos has a high demand of hydropower for daily living and using in industries. Last year, domestic consuming spent 1,222 megawatts and there was expected to be reached to 1,800 megawatts from 2020-2025, statement of Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Electricité du Laos plans to supply the electricity for a higher demand in the future. The demands will be sufficient for household, developing economy, industrials, and transportation around the nation and international trade partners.  

In addition, hydropower is also a potential capacity to boost export value to the neighbor countries which are border countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Furthermore, the export of hydropower to other ASEAN countries such as Malaysia and Singapore can be used transmission lines through Thailand. In fact, Laos is the initiative supplier in using the transmission lines in order to provide hydropower to the third countries. According to the Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines, in 2020-2030, Lao PDR will be able to generate about 20,000 megawatts of electricity. Therefore, in 2020-2030 estimates that the Thai government would need to import 9,000 megawatts of electricity from the Lao PDR, 6,000 megawatts, 5,000 megawatts to Vietnam, 300MW to Myanmar, and 300MW to Malaysia, however, Singapore is under negotiation.

According to statistics from the Department of Import and Export, the value of hydropower which exported from January to October 2019 reached US$ 1,066 million, the most importing countries: Thailand worth more than US$ 1,010 million, Vietnam worth US$ 46 million and Cambodia was almost reached to US$ 8 million.



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