According to the Lao Embassy in Tokyo, has issued No. 169 /LET.COF.20, dated 26 August 2020, in announcing prohibitive on import all kinds of meat products for foreigners to enter Japan without permission (Without Declaration). If there is a suspected case of breaking the regulation that will be arrested and fined Yen 03-05 million or imprisoned for 3 years.


 The prohibited products as details below:

• Prohibit the import of animal products without inspection certificate from Japan, such as pork, ham, sausages, bacon, etc.

• Families and friends are not allow for sending animal products by mail.

• In case of receipt of meat products from the post office which has not been inspected, the parcel shall be notified to the nearest animal quarantine center immediately.


Equipment and cloth must be clean and free of contaminants:

• Do not bring dirty clothes, work clothes, boots from abroad;

• Anyone who comes in contact with animals from abroad or plans to enter a farm in Japan must contact the animal quarantine unit near the baggage claim area;

• Do not touch animals before entering Japan and after arriving in Japan within one week.


Further information, please click:

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

  •  Animal Quarantine Service

  • Bringing animal products into Japan from overseas

  • PR materials


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