The imports and exports of Lao PDR in June 2021 values US$ 932 million, including US$ 435 million of export and approximately US$ 497 million of import, therefore, the Trade deficit was US$ 62 million

The main export category

The total exports were approximately US$ 435 million. The main value exports included US$ 27 million of copper ore, US$ 15 million of banana, US$ 75 million of mix gold (gold bars), US$ 3 million of cassava, US$ 16 million of clothes, US$ 10 million of raw coffee, US$ 5 million of sugar, US$ 15 million of robber, US$ 5 million of fruits (water melon, passion fruits and tamarind) and US$ 3 million of processing wood.

The main import category

The total imports were approximately US$ 497 million. The main value imports included US$ 51 millions of vehicles (other than motorcycles, tractors), US$ 40 millions of diesel, US$ 33 millions of mechanic equipment (other than motor vehicles), US$ 17 millions of steel, steel products, magnetic steel, US$ 30 millions of beverage (water, soda, energy ...), US$ 12 millions of auto parts (including tires, glass, chains ...), US$ 10 millions gasoline/premium gasoline, 16 millions of plastic products, US$ 23 millions of gemstone/semi-precious stones,  US$ 11 millions of fertilizers and US$ 11 millions of food factories waste.

The five main exporting countries of Lao PDR

The main exporting countries of Lao PDR included China US$ 158 million, Vietnam US$ 90 million, Thailand US$ 72 million, Japan US$ 8 million and USA US$ 6 million.

The five main importing countries of the Lao PDR

The main importing countries of Laos included: Thailand US$ 225 million, China US$ 126 million, Vietnam US$ 34 million, Japan US$ 14 million and USA US$ 24 million.


The June 2021 statistic does not include the value of export electric power, therefore, we will update later when it is available.

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