Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


                                                         Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                                                            

No: 2169/MOAF

Vientiane Capital, date 24 Oct 2013


DECISION ON Fertilizer management in lao PDR

  • Pursuant to the Law on Agriculture No. 01/98 NA, dated 10 October 1998.
  • Pursuant to the Decree on the Organization and Implementation of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.262/PM, dated 26th June 2012.
  • Pursuant to the letter of Department of Agriculture, No. 1522/DOA, date 15 October 2013.

The Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Issues the Decision:

Chapter I

General provision

Article 1 objective

This Decision defines the principles and rules to strengthen the management and inspection of any business operation which relates to fertilizer in Lao PDR for ensuring all activities are compliant with the law, contract and where Laos signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) are to protect customers, human health, animals, plants and protection of environment.

Article 2 Fertilizer management

Fertilizer management means determination of any fertilizer standards including packing, labeling, advertising, using, controlling, disposing and fertilizer business operation are compliant with technical principle and law of Lao PDR.

Article 3 Definitions and descriptions of terms

            The definitions and descriptions of terms are stipulated as following:

  1. Fertilizer means any object occurs naturally or synthetically including Chemical fertilizer or inorganic fertilizer; Bio-fertilizer; Organic fertilizer; Bio-Organic fertilizer and Fortified Organic fertilizer for distributing the growth of plants.
  2. Chemical fertilizer means the fertilizer which includes inorganic such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P) and Potassium (k) that is being steel.
  3. Organic fertilizer means fertilizers includes any mixed various materials which get from the remains of plants, animals or various metals.
  4. Bio-fertilizer means fertilizer that planted with a specific pure microorganism mixed with appropriate temporary feed (Carrier).
  5. Bio-Organic fertilizer means organic fertilizer (Manure/Compose), in addition of contains nutrient element like manure and compose, it also includes of utilize bacteria that beneficially for plants and animals.
  6. Fortified organic fertilizer means organic fertilizer that mix with synthetic chemicals, this fertilizer made by using material from organic matter such as: Manure, Compose, charcoal and chemical fertilizer like Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P) and potassium.
  7. Single fertilizer means chemical fertilizer that has single nutrient element contains in that fertilizer such Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P) and Potassium (K).
  8. Mixed fertilizer means chemical fertilizer from mix single fertilizer element which various elements for getting needed fertilizer. 
  9. Compound fertilizer means chemical fertilizer that happened by synthetic chemical and maintain main nutrient elements at least two elements.
  10. Nutrient fertilizer means chemical contains in fertilizer and it is able to grow plants.
  11. Primary Macro nutrient element means nutrient Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P), and Potassium (K) that it is required in larger quantities.
  12. Secondary Macro nutrient element means nutrient Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), S, Si. These metals, plants require not much but couldn’t leave.
  13. Micro nutrient element means Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Zinc (Zn), Mo, Co and Na that plants require not much but couldn’t leave.
  14. Secondary macro nutrient element volume means lower nutrient element in fertilizer by calculating in percentage (%) of fertilizer net weigh.
  15. Secondary macro bacteria element volume means lower bacteria that contain 1 (g) of Bio-fertilizer.
  16. Poison means any chemical element or other elements that will harm human health, animals and environment.
  17. Fertilizer standard means lower and higher volume of nutrient element or poison and another necessarily of any type fertilizer which indicated formula based on international principle.
  18. Principal movement means process of identify lower and higher volume of primary macro nutrient element (NPK) that indicated in fertilizer standard.
  19. Unqualified quality fertilizer means fertilizer that expire date or impacted by another metals which become unqualified quality fertilizer through decreasing nutrient element or turn into solid, liquid , reform into another color and has different smell from its origin.
  20. Labelling means things, printing or photos that glued with fertilizer or direct fertilizer or container and similarity with glued external container or container which used for pack fertilizer on sale.

Article 4: Scope of applications

            This decision applies to individuals, entities which operate activity related to produce; export; import; supply; use; move and expose of fertilizer in Lao PDR.

Chapter II

Fertilizer standard

Article 5 Chemical Fertilizer Standard

            Any type of chemical fertilizer standard which produce or import into Lao PDR must contain nutrient element in fertilizer according to international standards such as:

  1. Ammonium sulphate has to contain total Nitrogen element at least 20% of fertilizer weigh inform of Ammonium by having white or grey pellet without adding any color or processing.
  2. Urea fertilizer must contains total Nitrogen element at least 44% of fertilizer weigh inform of Urea and Violet volume smaller than 1% of its’ weigh, inform of pellet or white scale or grey without adding any color or processing.
  3. Super phosphate fertilizer must contains Phosphorus in the form of utilization (P2O5) at least 20% of its’ weigh and inform of pellet or white scale or grey without adding any color and Arsenic has to smaller than 0.5% of its’ weigh and Moisture does not bigger than 3% of its’ weigh.
  4. Double super phosphate fertilizer must contain Phosphorus inform of utilization (P2O5) that does not less than 40% of its’ weigh and in form of pellet or light brown or grey without adding any color and Arsenic has to smaller than 0.5% of its’ weigh and Moisture is not bigger than 3% of its’ weigh.
  5. Triple super phosphate fertilizer must contain Phosphorus in form of utilization (P2O5) that does not less than 45% of its’ weigh and in form of pellet or light brown or grey without adding any color and Arsenic has not smaller than 0.5% of its’ weigh and Moisture is not bigger than 3% of its’ weigh.
  6. Potassium chloride fertilizer must contain potassium in form of water soluble K2O that does not less than 60% of its’ weigh, in form of fertilizer or white scale or white merge with yellow or red brown without adding any color and there is moisture is not bigger than 3% of its’ Moisture.
  7. Potassium sulphate fertilizer  must contain potassium in form of water soluble K2O that does not less than 48% of its’ weigh, inform of fertilizer or white scale or white merge with yellow or red brown without adding any color and there is moisture less than 3% of its’ Moisture.

Article 6 forged chemical fertilizer

       Forged chemical fertilizer means fertilizer has characterized as below:

1.Material or some mixture which bring to process or total forge fertilizer that is able to attract users.

  1. Chemical fertilizer that does not match the label specified.
  2. Specify name, trade mark, producer, place of producing that do not match the business license.

Article 7 unstandardized chemical fertilizer

            Unstandardized chemical fertilizer means fertilizer as mention bellow:

  1. Chemical fertilizer does not match with its’ standard which has secondary macro nutrient element less than its’ net as registration or does not match the minimum standard in chemical fertilizer that indicated in the article 8 of this decision.
  2. Chemical fertilizer was made that is unreliable or being various element which does not match the standard as contain in chemical fertilizer and business license.

Article 8 Chemical fertilizer standard application

            Chemical fertilizer standard indicates as:

Primary macro nutrient element

Secondary macro nutrient element

Minimum formula % of its’ weigh

Maximum formula % of its’ weigh

Single  and compound fertilizer

Mixed fertilizer

Compound and mixed

Nitrogen (N)

Minimum 8.0



Maximum 24.0













Phosphate (P2O5)

Minimum 8.0



Maximum 24.0













Potassium (K2O)

Minimum 8.0



Maximum 24.0













Article 9 Organic fertilizer standard application

            Organic fertilizer standard indicates as:



Standard application


Size of fertilize pellet

≤ 12.5 x 12.5 mm


Moisture content 

≤ 30%


Stone and sand content

≤ 2%


Plastic, grass, sharp metal and other metal

Not applicable


Acidity – Alkalinity (pH)



Standard application


The ratio of carbon and Nitrogen (C\N)

≤ 20\1


Electrical Conductivity (EC)

≤ 3.5 ds/cm


Organic Matter (OM)

≥ 30%


Organic Carbon (OC)

≥ 12%


Total Nitrogen (total N)



Total phaphate (Total P2O5)



Total potassium (Total K2O)




≤ 10 mg/Kg


Cadmium (Cd)

≤ 5 mg/Kg


Chromium (Cr)

≤ 50 mg/Kg


Copper (CU)

≤ 300 mg/Kg


Lead (Ld)

≤ 500 mg/Kg


Palladium, Pd

≤ 100 mg/Kg

Article 10 Bio-fertilizer standard application

Bio-fertilizer standard indicates as






Phosphate biofertilizer


Amount of bacteria in bio-fertilizer






Mixed various bacteria

It does not have when there is bacteria lower 105 time

It does not have when there is bacteria lower 105 time

It does not have when there is bacteria lower 105 time

It does not have when there is bacteria lower 105 time


Expire date of fertilizer

6 months

6 months

6 months

6 months








Temporary nutrient element must include 50%

150-212 um

106 um

106 um

106 um








Temporary nutrient element

Charcoal/ lignite

Charcoal/ lignite

Charcoal/ lignite

Charcoal/ lignite

Article 11 Bio organic fertilizer standard application

 Bio organic fertilizer standard indicates as





Size of fertilizer

≤ 12.5 x 12.5 mm



≤ 25%


Stone and sand

≤ 3%


Plastic, grass, sharp metal other metal



Acidity – Alkalinity (pH)



Average of Carbon/ Nitrogen

≤ 20/1


Electrical conductivity, EC

≤ 4.0 ds/ cm


Organic Matter, OM

≤ 30%


0rganic Carbon, OC

≤ 12%


Total Nitrogen, total N



Total Phosphate, total P2O5



Total Potassium, total K2O



Chemical fertilizer usage



Calculate total bacteria

108 -1010


Salmonella sp




≤ 10 mg/Kg


Cadmium, Cd

≤ 5 mg/Kg


Chromium. Cr

≤ 50 mg/Kg


Copper, Cu

≤ 300 mg/Kg


Lead, ld

≤ 500 mg/Kg


Palladium, Pd

≤ 100 mg/Kg

Article 12 Organic chemical fertilizer standard application

Organic chemical fertilizer standard indicates as





Size of fertilizer

≤ 12.5 x 12.5 mm



≤ 20%


Stone and sand

≤ 5%


Plastic, grass, sharp metal other metal



Acidity – Alkalinity (pH)



Average of Carbon/ Nitrogen

≤ 20/1


Electrical conductivity, EC

≤ 5 ds/ cm


Organic Matter, OM

≤ 25%


0rganic Carbon, OC

≤ 10%


Total Nitrogen, total N



Total Phosphate, total P2O5



Total Potassium, total K2O



Chemical fertilizer usage



Calculate total bacteria

108 -1010


Salmonella sp




≤ 10 mg/Kg


Cadmium, Cd

≤ 5 mg/Kg


Chromium. Cr

≤ 50 mg/Kg


Copper, Cu

≤ 300 mg/Kg


Lead, ld

≤ 500 mg/Kg


Palladium, Pd

≤ 100 mg/Kg

Article 13 Specified principal movement of primary macro nutrient element

  1. Organic fertilizer must contain primary macro nutrient element (NPK) with total 5% and having principal movement 0.3%.
  2. Bio-organic fertilizer must have positive primary macro nutrient element (NPK) 5% and having principal movement 0.3%.
  3. Fortified organic fertilizer must have positive primary macro nutrient element (NPK) 12.5% and having principal movement 0.3%.

Article 14 Counterfeit organic fertilizer

            Counterfeit organic fertilizer indicates as bellow:

  1. Metal or ingredient which processed some parts or all counterfeit in order to make customers believed or understood that it is real organic fertilizer.
  2. Organic fertilizer shows the name of another organic fertilizer that it is not real.
  3. Organic fertilizer shows the name or trademark of producer or place of producing for trading which is wrong as indicating.

Article 15 Unstandardized Organic fertilizer

            Unstandardized Organic fertilizer indicates as bellow:

  1. Organic fertilizer does not meet the standard as indicated in article 9 of this decision.
  2. Organic fertilizer is produced by having organic element smaller than its register or specified in labelling.

Article 16 Counterfeit Bio-fertilizer

            Counterfeit Bio-fertilizer has characterized as bellow:

  1. Bio-fertilizer shows name or trade mark or place of producing for trading which is wrong as indicated in labelling.
  2. Bio-fertilizer is produced which having bacteria wrong as register or indicated in labelling.

Article 17 Unstandardized Bio-fertilizer

Unstandardized Bio-fertilizer indicates as:

  1. Bio-fertilizer produced which having some types of bacteria smaller than its register or indicated in labelling.
  2. Unqualified quality Bio-fertilizer.

Chapter III

Packing, labeling, advertising, using, controlling and disposing

Article 18 Packing

            Fertilizer packing must contain into an appropriate container based on characteristic of its’ fertilizer and ensure security when import, export, transport, storage, supply and use in order to ensure that the quality of fertilizer does not harm human health, animal and environment.

Article 19 Labeling

            Any type of fertilizer which produce, export, import and supply in Lao PDR must be labeled with a text in Lao such as:


  1. Trademark of chemical fertilizer standard or fortified organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer or Bio-fertilizer based on any case.
  2. Chemical name for chemical fertilizer.
  3. Standard formula or secondary macro nutrient element.
  4. Object of usage.
  5. Method and duration of usage.
  6. Storage method, danger protection or damage might be occurred.
  7. Caution.
  8. Name of producer, address and place of producing.
  9. Size of contain.
  10. Day, month, year of produce and expire date.
  11. Name and address of supplier.
  12. Fertilizer registration number. 

In case of import for trade, fertilizer must have register number from producer country and fertilizer register in Lao PDR as mentioned in article 32 of this decision.

Article 20 Advertising

            Person and entity is able to advertise in Lao PDR only fertilizer which registered in Lao PDR.

            Advertise documents must be checked by relevant organization. 

Article 21 Fertilize usage

            Any type of fertilizer usage must be strictly followed by guideline, method such as usage with its objective, type, quantity and duration for effective using, guaranteed to prevent plants, human health, animals and environment.

Article 22 controlling and disposing

            Counterfeit fertilizer, fertilizer’s waste including container must be burial into ground in the area of permission which does not impact to environment.  

Chapter IV

Fertilizer operation

Article 23 Fertilizer operation

            Person and entity who has objective to operate fertilizer business must be submitted letter to Industry and Commerce sector and must be approved by Agriculture and Forestry sector.

Article 24 Type of fertilize business operation

            Fertilizer business operation in Lao PDR includes as:

  1. Producing.
  2. Importing.
  3. Exporting.
  4. Supplying.
  5. Transporting.
  6. Storage.
  7. Transit.
  8. Fertilizer research service.
  9. Fertilize service.

Article 25 Transit

            Any fertilizer transits into Lao PDR must be followed by bilateral and multilateral agreement that Lao is being party.


Article 26 Conditions of approval fertilized business operation

            Those who will approve to operate business must follow as this conditions:

  1. Owner business.
  2. There is office in Lao PDR.
  3. There is production line, place of supply or place of storage.
  4. There is expertise or knowledge on fertilizer, chemical agriculture.

Article 27 Duration of business license

            Business license has duration as:

  1. Business license has duration of 5 years since it is official signed.
  2. Sale permit or storge for sale has duration of 1 year since it is official signed.
  3. Import and Export permit has duration of 30 days since it is official signed.

Article 28 Obligation of operation

            Operation has obligate as:

  1. Assure quality and safety of fertilizer for reducing negative effect to human health, animals and environment.
  2. Report information on produce, export, import, supply and storage for show evidence to inspectors.
  3. Responsibility of any payment such as testing the quality of fertilizer before sale, control and destroy.
  4.  Responsibility of any payment in case there is assume testing the quality of fertilizer before and after register with Department of Planting.
  5. Making any facilitator for authority and provide any request documents.
  6. Any payment as mentioned by laws and regulations.

Chapter V

Fertilizer legislation

Article 29 Business register

            Clean fertilizer, export, import, supply and use in Lao PDR must be register with the Department of Planting, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. For import fertilizer must be register from export country or country of producing.

Article 30 Request Business operation license

            The documents of request business operation license include:

  1. Attach copy of business operation license that registered by Agriculture and Forestry sector and business license from Industry and Commerce sector.
  2. Result of fertilizer testing from laboratory standard.
  3. In case fertilizer produce in Lao PDR must has result of certificate testing from Agriculture and Forestry Institute.
  4. Fertilizers produce in foreign countries must be attached copy of fertilizer business license from export country and assignment letter from producer.
  5. Guideline usage in Lao language.
  6. Provide exam fertilizer at least 1 kilogram for pellets/ fertilizer and 0.5 litter for liquid.

Article 31 Fertilizer registration considerations.

            Department of Planting will consider or reject between 15 working days since receiving requested document. In case rejecting, the Department will notify in officially to requester.

Article 32 Fertilizer registration certificate

            Fertilizer registration certificate is an official document which approved by the Department of Planting, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

            Fertilizer register certificate has duration two years since it is officially signed, if needs to continue business license, operator has to notify Department of Planting 30 days before it will be expired.

Article 33 In case reject Fertilizer registration certificate

            Fertilizer which does not need to register include:

  1. Fertilizer produces in Lao PDR that it does have packing or containing in any container for supply.
  2. Fertilizer imports for research, test and research for technical use based on test planning regarding to relevant organization indicated.
  3. Import fertilizer for using in exhibition, helping and using in some government’s projects, those fertilizer must be registered and allow to supply from producer country or export country and must be inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Article 34 Fees and Charges

            Fees and charges for business license or any certificate related to fertilizers must follow by President’s Ordinance on fees and charges which has been officially cassette in each periodically.

Chapter VI

Fertilizer management and inspection organization

Article 35 fertilizer management and inspection organization

            Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry manages fertilizer activities overall the unity nationwide especially Department of Planting is the center for coordination with relevant organizations such central and provincial levels.

            Fertilizer management and inspection includes:

  1. Central level is Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and implemented by the Department of Planting.
  2. Provincial level is the Department of Agriculture and Forestry province and capital and implemented by the Planting sector.
  3. District level is the District of Agriculture and Forestry and implemented by planting sector.

Article 36 the role and responsibility of Department of Planting

            Role and responsibility of Department of Planting includes:

  1. Formulate guideline for implementing this decision.
  2. Coordination with line ministries and provincial level in disseminating and using this decision.
  3. Monitor, inspect activities such as producing, exporting, importing, supplying and using fertilizer in nationwide.
  4. Register fertilizer as mentioned in charter 5 of this decision and build list of fertilizer in regularly and continually.
  5. Provide training for those responsibility on fertilizer management and inspection in the field of political thinking, honestly and technician.
  6. Determine standard for fertilizer inspectors.
  7. Coordinating with foreign for fertilizer management and inspection.
  8. Remove fertilizer license in case it does not have standard and counterfeit according to standard laboratory scientific specifications.
  9.  Report any situations regarding to fertilizer management and inspection in nationwide to Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in regularly.
  10. Implementing of any role and responsibility as given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and by Laws and regulations.

Article 37 The role and responsibility of Department of Agriculture and Forestry province and capital

            Department of Agriculture and Forestry province and capital has the role and responsibility to manage and inspect fertilizer include as:

  1. Advertisement, implementation and dissemination this decision.
  2. Manage producing and permit to supply, export, import, storage, ownership and inspect quality of fertilizer in in the area of where responsibility.
  3. Distribute, monitor and inspect fertilizer at the borders and stores in the area of where responsibility.
  4. Build technical authority to implement this decision.
  5. Coordinate with relevant organizations for fertilizer management and inspection.
  6. Remove fertilizer license.
  7. Implementing of any role and responsibility as given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and by Laws and regulations.

Article 38 The role and responsibility of Domestic of Agriculture and Forestry

            Domestic of Agriculture and Forestry has role and responsibility to manage and inspect fertilizer include as:

  1. Advertisement, implementation and dissemination this decision in the area of where responsibility.
  2. Coordinate with relevant organizations to inspect fertilizer stores.
  3. Inspection of fertilizer stores or some places in case has liable news, domestic authority is able to use assume inspection for analyze quality of fertilizer as mentioned in article 41 of this decision.
  4. Confiscation of any fertilizer which it does not meet the requirement of this decision. Those confiscated fertilizer has to be recorded.
  5. Report regularly the result inspecting fertilizer to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
  6. Implementing of any role and responsibility as given by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry and by Laws and regulations.

Article 39 The role and responsibility of other organizations

            Any organization including provincial level are saw or received news which relates to produce, export, import and supply fertilizer which various from this decision has to notify urgently to fertilizer management and inspection and also cooperate and provide any facilitation to inspector authority by its role and responsibility.

Article 40 Fertilizer inspection

            Any operation relates to produce, export, import, supply advertise, storage, use and dispose fertilizer’s waste for reliance with laws and regulations of Lao PDR.

Article 41 Content of inspection

            Fertilizer inspection in the area of producing, transport vehicles and place of supplying must follow as:

  1. Inspection of all documents related to fertilizer operation.
  2. Inspection of manufacturing’s area and method of storage.
  3. Assume example fertilizer for use analyzing the quality of fertilizer.
  4. Inspection of produce date and expire date.

Article 42 types of inspection

            There are three types of Fertilizer inspection as:

  1. Regular inspection.
  2. Report-based inspection.
  3. Urgent inspection.

Regular inspection is the inspection which operates on planed in regularly and has specified date of inspection and it will take place at least annually at the operator’s premise.

Report-based inspection is out of planed inspection when it is necessary by notifying operator’s premise before inspection.

Urgent inspection is the inspection when problem occurred, this inspection will not notify operator’s premise in advance.

Chapter VII

Prohibited action

Article 43 General prohibition

Person, entity including operation in the country and foreign prohibit include as:

  1. Produce, export, import and supply counterfeit fertilizer, unstandardized fertilizer, low quality fertilizer, fertilizer without register, fertilizer which officially removed license and fertilizer has mixed poison which over standard as specified in this decision.
  2. Over advertise quality and quantity of use fertilizer as it is real which make buyers and users reliable on.
  3. Fertilizer has negative effect to social economic development and harm human health, animals, plants and environment in Lao PDR.
  4.  Import, export, movement, transform fertilizer without permission.
  5. Give money to fertilizer inspector, copy original documents and stamp of Agriculture and Forestry sector.
  6. Enforce and barrier to authority’s work.
  7. Abuse its duty or to engage in any misconduct  which contradicts this decision or other regulations.

Article 44 Prohibited action for the fertilizer authority inspection

            Prohibited action for the fertilizer authority inspection include as:

  1. Abuse its duty or to engage in any misconduct for self-benefits which has negative effects to government organization and persons.
  2. Open secret of government or official documents, forging documents, lack responsibility of fertilizer management and inspection.
  3. Misconduct and contradicts with regulation for fertilizer inspection and implement which does not meet requirement by technical standard.
  4. Increase or reduce fees and technical service and use budget from fertilizer and inspection fees without permission.

Chapter VIII

Incentive Policy for Good Performance and Measures for Violators

Article 45 Incentive policy for good performance

            An organization, individual, identity which has good performance in utilize this decision shall receive promotion and rewards based on the policy on promotion and rewards of various forms from the Government.

Article 46 Measures for violators

            An organization, individual, identity has violent with this decision will be warned and punished based on each case as:

  1. First violence will be warned and recorded in official note book.
  2. Second violence will be confiscated fertilizer and punished 50% of products’ value sale in domestic market and recorded in official note book.
  3. Third violence will be confiscated products and punished double products’ value sale in domestic market and recorded in note book. In addition, the business operation will be closed down in temporary or permanently by relevant organization based on each case.

Any violence if it is harmful highly to human health, animals, plants or environment will be punished according to laws and regulations.

Chapter IX

Final provision

Article 47 Implementation

            The department of Planting, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is the central corporation with relevant agencies responsible for the implementation of this Decision.

Article 48 Entry into force

This Decision shall enter into force once signed on the official gazette and use instead of regulation on management of fertilizer using for planting No. 1503/MOAF.2000, dated 29 November 2000.


 Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Vilaivanh PhonKhe

# Title Download
1 Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຄຸ້ມຄອງຝຸ່ນ ໃນ ສປປ ລາວ ເລກທີ 2169/ກປ, ລົງວັນທີ 24 ຕຸລາ 2013 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain import permit - Fertilizer Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To import fertilizer, trader must obtain a permit from Provincial/capital Departments of Agriculture and Forestry. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Labelling requirement - Fertilizer TBT Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To import fertilizer, it must be labelled in Lao language with indicated details and information.
  1. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013.
  2. Ministerial Ordinance on the Enhancing of the Inspection of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Plant Seeds Labelling No. 1893/MAF, dated September 24, 2020.
9999-12-31 ALL
3 Packaging Requirement - Fertilizer TBT Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported fertilizer must be packed into specific types of containers. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
4 Inspection Requirement For Import- Fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Importing fertiliser must be inspected by plant protection officer at the border check point.
  1. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013.
  2. Ministerial Order on Enhancing the restriction on inspection and management on fertilizer, seeds and Pesticide which are used in Lao PDR No. 2592/MAF,Dated 15 August 2014
9999-12-31 ALL
5 Requirement to obtain export permit - Fertilizer Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To export fertilizer, it is necessary obtain a permit from Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
6 Requirement to register for import - Fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To import fertilizer,it is necessary to register with Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, except for the case stated in article 33 Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
7 Requirement to register for export - Fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To export fertilizer,it is necessary to register with Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
8 Inspection Requirement For Export - Fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Exported fertilizer must be inspected by officer of Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
9 Standard Requirement - Import of Chemical Fertilizers SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported fertilizers (chemical and bio) must meet the standards set by the department of agriculture, ministry of agriculture and forestry Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 ALL
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