Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Lao PDR informed that the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the ROK is planning to remove the standards set for tropical fruits, nuts, and seeds, those not domestically registered for usage or not provided with safety data (such as residual data), required for establishment of standards, as shown in the attached document, following the implementation of Positive List System of pesticide residue as following table.

If a pesticide standard is required to be set for the exportation of above-mentioned agricultural products to the ROK, an application for setting Maximum residue limit for pesticide in imported food (Import tolerance) may be summited.

Crop Group


​Deletion list  of pesticide by PLS enforcement

Tree nuts and nuts

​Conola seed

Dichiofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermetrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxamyl, Ciofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicarb, Diuron, Dichlobenil, Metolachlor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Carbonphenophio, Chlorfenvinphos

​​Cotton seed

Diazinon, Nitrapyrin, Dimethipin, Dimethoate, Diuron, Dicofol, Diquat, Dichlofluanid, Dicloran, Linuron, Malathion, Maleic hyfrazide, Methomyl, Metalaxyl, Metolachlor, Methicathion, Monocrotophos, Bromopropylate, Sethoxydim,Cypermethrin, Cyfluthrin, Cyhalothrin, Acephate, Azinphos-methyl, Ethephon, Oxamyl, Oxyfluorfen, Imazalil, 2,4-D, Carbaryl, Carbofuran, Carboxin, Captan,Quizalofop-ethyl, Clethodim, Clomazone, Clofentezine, Chiorpropham, Chlorpyrifos,Triazophos, Trifluralin, Thiodicarb, Parathion, Paraquat, Parathion-Methyl, Permetrin, Fenamiphos, Fenoxaprop-ethyl, Pendimethalin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Fensulfothion, Fenpropathrin, Phorate, Phoxim, Furathiocarb, Prometryn, Propargite, Profenofos, Pirimicarb, Dicamba

​Coffee bean

Dichlofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermetrin, Cyhaiothrin, Ethofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezibe, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicarb, Diuron, Dichlobenil, Metolachlor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Carbophenothion, Chiorfenvinphos, Diazinon, Daminozide,Disulfoton, Monocrotophos, Ethephon, Carbosulfan, Carbofuran, Triazophos, Fenamiphos, Furathiovarb, Methoxychlor, Carbophenothion, Chlorfenvinphos


Dichlofluanid, Maleic hydrazlde, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadlazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenva;erate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicarb, Diuron, Dichlobenil, Metolachor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Diazinon, Fenitrothion, Daminozide, Dicofol, Dichlpfluanid, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Methidathon, Simazine, Azinphos-methyl, Ethion, Iprodione, Carbaryl, Clofentezine, Chlorproham, Chlorpyrifos, Parathion, Parathion-Mathyl, Permetrin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Propargite, Propiconazole, Piperonyl, butoxide


Dichlofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin,Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Ferbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicarb, Diuron, Dichiobenil, Metolachlor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Diazinon, Fenitrothion, Daminozide, Docofol, Sethoxydim, Slmazine, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethephon, Oxadlazon, Oxamyl, 2,4-0, Carbaryl, Clofentezine, Chlopyrifos, Parathion, Parathion-Methyl, Pyrethrins, Fenvalerate,Fenbutatin oxide, Proparoite, Pirimicarb


Dichlofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezeine, Trifulalin, Fenvalerate, Fenlutatin Oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimiocarb, Diuron, Dlchlobenil, Metolachilor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, BHC, Carbophenothion, Chlorobenezilate, Chiorfenyingphos, Diazinon, Malathon, Methomyl, Netalaxyl, Bentazone, Cyfluthrin, Acephate, Ethalfluralin, Omethoate, Iprodione, Carboxin, Captan, Chlorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Thiobencarb, Fenoxarprop-ethyl, Pendimethailn, Phorate, Fluzitop-butyl, Propargite, Propiconazole, Pirimiphos,-methyl


Dichiofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbulatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Plrlmicarb Diuron, Dichlobenil, Metolaohlor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Fenitrothion, Daminozide, Oxyflurfen


Dichlofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalcthrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Olofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicab, Diuron, Dichiobenil, Metolachor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen

Sunflower seeds

Dichiofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicab, Diuron, Dochiobenll, Metplachlor,Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Diazinon, Dimethipin, Diquat, Malathion, Metalaxyl, Azinphos-methyl, Ethalffluralin, Carbaryl, Carbosulfan, Carbofuran, Chiorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Parathion, Paraquat, Parathion-Methyl, Permethrin, Pendimethalin, Eurathiocarb, Procymidone

​Chest nut

Daminozide, Dicofol, Dichlofluanid, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, 2,4-D, Carbaryl, Cartap, Clofentezine, Chlorproham, Permethrin, Fenbutatin oxide, Phosalone, Furathiopcarb, Pirimicarb,

Sesame seed

Daminozide, Dichiofluanid, Maleic hydrazide, Cypermethrin, Oxamyl, Carbofuran, Clofentezine, Chlorproham, Chlorpyrifos, Permethrin, Pendimethalin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin Oxide, Fenthion, Furathiocarb, Pirimicarb


Dichioflunid, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethiofencarb, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Clofentezine, Trifluralin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Pyrethrins, Pirimicarb, Diuron, Dichiobenil, Metolachor, Acephate, Oxyfluorfen, Diazinon, Fenitrothion, Daminozide, Dimethoate, Dicofol, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Methomyl, Simazine, Azinphos-methyl, Ethephon, Oxadiazone, Oxamyl, 2,4-D, Carbaryl, Ciofentezine, Chlopropham, Chlorpyrifos, Parathion, Parathion-Methyl, Permethrin, Fenarimol, Fenarimil, Fenbuconazoie, Fentin, Phosalone, Fluezifop-buty, Propiconazole Pririmicarh

Tropical fruits


Diazinon, Dimethoate, Diuron, Dicofol, Dichlofuanid, Dichlobenil, Myolobutanil, Maleic hydrazide, Bromopropylate, Bitertanol, Sethoxydim, Simazine, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Ethoprophos, Omethoate, Oxyfluorfen, Imazalil, Isofenphos,Carbosulfan, Clofentezeine, Chlorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Tebuconazole, Thiabendazole, Permethrin, Fenarimol, Fenamiphos, Fenvalerate, Fenbuconazole, Fenbutatin oxide, Fensulfothion, Furathiocarb, Propiconazole, Fenitrothion, Hexaconazole, Pirimicarb, Pirimiphos-ethyl


Diazinon, Fenitrothion, Disulfoton, Diuron, Dicofol, Dichioflunid, Myclobutanil, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Methomyl, Methoxychlor, Bromacil, Srthoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Azinphos-methy, Ethephon, Ethoprophos, Oxamyl, Ortho-Phenyl Phenol, Imazalil, Carbaryl, Captan, Clofentezine, Chloproham, Chlorpyrifos, Triadimenol, Parathion, Permethrin, Fenamiphos, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin oxide, Fensulfothion, Pirimicarb, Hexazinone,

Kiwi Fruit

Diazinon, Dicofol, Dichlofluanid, Dichlobenil, Myclobutanil, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Vinclozolin, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhamethrin, Cyhalothrin, Azinphos-methyl, Oxamyl, Oxyfluorfen,  Imazalil, Iprodione, Clofentezine, Chlorproham, Chlorpyrifos, Permethrin, Fenamiphos, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatir Oxide, Fenthion, Procymidone, Pirimicarb, Pirimiphos-methyl


Diazinon, Dicofol, Dichloflunid, Diochlobenil, Myolobutanil, Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Methidathion, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Azinphos-methyl, Ethylene dibromine, Oxamyl, Captan, Clofentezine, Chlorpropham, Chiorpyrifos,Thiabendazole, Parathion, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin Oxide, Propiconazole, Piricarb,


Diazinon, Dicofol, Dichioflunid, Dichiobenil, Myclobutani, Malathion, Methomyl, Metalaxyl,  Meleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Azinphos methyl, Oxamyl, Oxyfluorfen, 2,4-0, Carbaryl, Captan,Clofentezine, Chlorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Thiavendazole, Parathion, Fenvalerate,Fenbutatin Oxide, Folpet, Pirimicarb, Pirimicarb


Diazinon, Diuron, Dicofol, Dichioflunid, Myclobutanil,  Malathion, Maleic hydrazide, Sethoxydim, Cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin, Azinphos-nethyl, Ethylene dibromide, Oxamyl, Oxyfluorfen, Imazalil, Clofentezeine, Chlopropham, Chlorpyrifos,Triadimenol, Thiabendazole, Permethrin, Fenvalerate, Fenbutatin Oxide, Fensulfothion, Pirimicarb

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1 South Korea is planning to remove the standards for importation of tropical fruits, nuts, and seeds those not domestically registered for exporting countries PDF
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