(Unofficial translation)




Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Vientiane Capital, date 30 October 2014



to increase strictness on administration and inspection of Phytosanitary Certification for plants and plant products exports to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


To: Heads of Offices, departments, institutions, and projects around the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


  • Head of the Provincial and Vientiane Capital Division of Agriculture and Forestry across the country.
  • According to the Law on Prevention of Behavior No. 06/NA, dated 09/12/2008.
  • According to the Prime Minister's Decree on the organization and activities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, No. 148/PM, dated 10 May 2007.
  • According to the memorandum of cooperation between the Department of Agriculture (Laos) and the Department of Plant Protection (Vietnam) regarding plant quarantine and one-stop inspection on 3/10/2014 in Quang Chi Province, Vietnam.
  • According to the notification of the Department of Plant Protection, the Republic of Vietnam regarding phytosanitary certification for plants and products exported to the Republic of Vietnam, dated 14/10/2014.


In facilitating the exporters and operators of plant sanitation and avoiding the impact on agricultural and forestry products of the Lao PDR to the Republic of Vietnam. Ensuring quality of plant sanitary measures of the International Plant Protection Convention (ISPMs, IPPC) and import regulations on plant sanitation of the Republic of Vietnam.


The Acting Minister of Agriculture and Forestry issued an order:

1. Provincial and Vientiane Capital Division of Agriculture and Forestry that have plant protection checkpoints to advise on the Plant Protection Checkpoints, inspection, and issuance of Phytosanitary certificate (PC) for plants and plant products exported to Vietnam by international standards on phytosanitary measures of the International Plant Protection Convention (ISPMs-IPPC); Vietnam will start to enforce the measures from 01 May 2015 onwards.


2. Provincial Division of Agriculture and Forestry that has international plant protection checkpoint borders with Vietnam, (Panghok checkpoint in Phongsaly Province, Namsoi checkpoint in Hua Phan Province, Namkan checkpoint in Xiengkhuang Province, Nam Phao checkpoint in Borikhamxay Province, and Phukua checkpoint in Attaphu Province), shall prepare a budget plan in improving the infrastructure and technical materials at plant protection checkpoints, also, create a construction plan and developing specific technicalities in plant protection checkpoints. Thus, the provinces can issue phytosanitary certificates for international plant protection checkpoints in their respective provinces.


3. The Department of Agriculture shall inform the National Plant Protection Agency (Plant Protection Department) of Vietnam and the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, and forward a message to the countries that are parties to the International Plant Protection Convention about Lao PDR improvement of the plant sanitary certificates at plant protection checkpoint.


4. The Department of Agriculture shall issue notifications, technical guidelines, and technical training plans and install a program for issuing certificates of phytosanitary databases (National phytosanitary database) according to international standards on phytosanitary measures (ISPMs-IPPC). Furthermore, the Department shall recommend the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary of the World Trade Organization (SPS-WTO Agreement) and the implementation of import regulations on sanitary and phytosanitary in Vietnam.


5. The Department of Agriculture, the agricultural sector of the province, and the capital and plant protection checkpoints are to be responsible for inspecting plants, issuing plant sanitary certificates, and signing the plant sanitary certificates by the Decision of the Minister. The Decision nominated authorities who have the right to sign the plant sanitary certificates as specified in each period strictly.


6. The Department of Agriculture plays a role in the management and implementation of plant protection tasks as defined in Articles 29, and 30 of the Decree on the Implementation of the Law on Plant Protection.


7. This order is effective and applicable from the date of signature.

Acting Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Dr. Tee Phommasak


# Title Download
1 Order to Increase Strictness on Administration and Inspection of Phytosanitary Certification for Plants and Plant Products to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam PDF
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