Unofficial translation


Ministry of Industry and Commerce                        No. 1592/MOIC.ERM
       Vientiane Capital, date 26 August 2013


                  To:        -    Provincial and Capital Departments of Industry and Commerce

                               -    Industry and Commerce Offices in Districts, Suburbs

                               -    Domestic and Foreign Businesses

                  Subject:     List of Prohibited Business Activities

            In order to facilitate people and investors (domestic/ foreign ) by providing information on prohibited business activities prior their consideration investing in our country, Ministry of Industry and Commerce (based on the research and request from relevant ministries) notifies types of prohibited business activities to relevant stakeholders for information and implementation as follows:

1. Prohibited Business Activities are types of businesses that are not allowed for business registration and operation in Lao PDR.

2. An approval or a business registration for a person or an entity that is not lawful in accordance with this notification is regarded as not valid. A person who breaches this will be responsible in front of the law;

3. The List of Prohibited Business Activities is provided in List B 01-2013 (attached herewith);

4. During a period of implementing this notification, if parties or line ministries see the incompliance and would like to add or subtract any business activities from this List can notify the Ministry of Industry and Commerce for amendment and additional notification;

This notification is for information and strict implementation.

Minister of Industry and Commerce,

[signature and seal]

Dr. Nam Viyaketh

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List B 01 - 2013

List of Prohibited Business Activities in Lao PDR


Business Activities


Responsible Ministries


Chemicals of high-level danger type 1 (Annex 1 of the Decision No. 1041/MOIC.PO, dated 28 May 2012)


- Decision on Chemical and Chemical for Industries Management, No. 1041/MOIC.PO, dated 28 May 2012;

- Decree on Import and Export of Goods No. 114/GoL, dated 6 April 2011.



All types of radiative minerals

- Decree on Export of Mineral Products, No. 90/PM, dated 09 June 2008 and

- Law on Minerals, No. 02/NA, dated 20 December 2011



Bullets and weapons of all kinds (except for explosives used in industries) and war vehicles.

- Criminal Law No. 12/NA, dated 09 November 2005

- Prime Minister’s Decision on the Control and Use of Explosives in Lao PDR No. 39/PM, dated 12/7/2001



Opium, opium balls, poppy seeds, opium poppies, other opium products, coco leaves, marihuana in various forms, cocaine and their derivatives. 

- Criminal Law No. 12/NA, dated 09 November 2005

- Law on Narcotic Drugs, No. 10/NA, dated 25 December 2007

- Decree implementing Law on Narcotic Drugs No. 076/PM, dated 20/2/2009.





Banknote paper, banknote ink, banknote printer  and coin making machine

Lao on the Bank of Lao PDR, No. 05/NA, dated 14 October 1999



Other prohibited business activities provided in relevant laws and regulations of Lao PDR

- Regulations of relevant ministries

Relevant Ministries


Business activities in List B 01-2013 are analyzed and summarized from requests by relevant ministries.

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# Title Download
1 Notification on List of Prohibited Business Activities No. 1592.DERM, dated 26 August 2013 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ບັນຊີປະເພດທຸລະກິດເກືອດຫ້າມ , ເລກທີ 1592/ອຄ. ທຄວ, ລົງວັນທີ 26 ສິງຫາ 2013 PDF
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