(Unofficial translation) 


Government’s Office                                      No.  790/GOV.DE
          Vientiane Capital, dated 21 May 2015


To: - Minister of Agricultural and Forestry.
       - Minister of Finance.
       - Minister of Industry and Commerce.

    Subject: Proposal to Revise Timber Price for Biding 2014-2015.

-          Pursuant to a report No.0204/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 06 February 2015 of Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
-          Pursuant to direction and decision of the Prime Minister-Deputy Prime Ministers meeting with relevant agencies dated 30 April 2015;
-          Pursuant to direction of Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers who lead economic production and circulation on 12 May 2015.

The Government’s Office hereby notify guidance of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers who lead economic production and circulation as follows:

1.      Timber price for biding in 2014-2015 shall be defined in one price at Yard II as a basement for calculation and bidding. Ministry of Industry and Commerce shall define this price in accordance with laws and global market situation.

2.      It is prohibited to export all types of timbers. For timbers remaining in Yard II that have been approved to export by the government but the export has not being completed, the provincial authority shall work with relevant agencies to re-inspect the actual amount of these timbers in Yard II and then process them to sell domestically or overseas. It is strictly forbidden to export timbers.

3.      As for timbers explored from various projects, in particularly infrastructure projects, dam construction projects, mining exploration projects, electric cable installation projects and timbers from other development projects shall be sold to domestic processing factories.

4.      Planted timbers are encourage to process domestic. In case it is unable to process, it shall be allowed to export as logs with full set of certificates from the authority and relevant agencies on the source of timbers and in accordance with laws.

5.       Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry shall coordinate with Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies to follow, inspect. If any case of violation is found, the authority shall strictly process on according to the laws.

6.      Ministry of Industry and Commerce shall immediately coordinate with provinces to improve and adjust wooden industries in consistent with the actual supply of raw material.

Therefore, this notification hereby informs you to acknowledge and implement accordingly.

(For) Minister, Chief of Government’s Office

(Signed and sealed)

Phetsakhone Luang-arphai

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