NameDetailed Export Customs Declaration and Customs Release Form Charge
DescriptionDetailed Export Customs Declaration and Customs Release Form Charge is 1,500 KIP/sheet
Commentsfor technical management and contribute to the government's income
Validity From2021-06-17
Validity To9999-12-31
Referencearticle 17, no. 3.13
Technical Code
Measure TypeDuty/Tax Payable
AgencyMinistry of Finance
Legal Document- The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021
Is StandardNo
UN CodeP49
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2021-10-11 10:13:57
Updated Datetime2022-03-14 15:05:26
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