NameStandard of imported vehicle
DescriptionImported vehicle shall meet the specified standard and condition as followings: 1. Left Steering Wheel, except temporary import 2. Cubic capacity of motorbike shall not exceed 1,600 cc 3. Safety and Environment Standard
CommentsFor the orderness in the society, quality management and protect the benefit of consumer
Validity From2021-12-29
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 19
Technical Code
Measure TypeTBT
AgencyMinistry of Public Works and Transport
Legal Document- Law on inland vehicles, No. 04/NA, date 16 November 2021
Is StandardNo
UN CodeB7
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2022-03-16 13:53:18
Updated Datetime2022-07-23 21:18:23
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