NameRequirement to register exporter - Wood from Natural Forest
DescriptionWood export from natural forest, it is necessary to register the wood exporter in certain sector as followings: 1. Operates the Wood Processing Sector 2. Operates the Import and Export of Agriculture and Forestry Sector
CommentsTo promote wood production and enhance the management and monitoring of wood origin in legal manner
Validity From2022-03-22
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle II, 1
Technical Code
Measure TypeRegistration Requirement
AgencyMinistry of Industry and Commerce
Legal Document- Instruction on Wood Export from Natural Forest no. 0332/MOIC, dated 22 March 2022
Is StandardNo
UN CodeP12
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2022-03-22 22:23:45
Updated Datetime2022-03-22 22:23:45
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