NameEnvironmental Tax Payable
DescriptionEnvironmental Tax is collected from business which import or use goods, natural resources in Lao PDR that may cause pollution to the environment, damage to the health or lives of people, animals, plants and the balance of an ecosystem.
CommentsTo colllect state revenue to spend for environment protection and to protect people's, animal's or plant's health.
Validity From2019-07-29
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 18
Technical Code
Measure TypeDuty/Tax Payable
AgencyMinistry of Finance
Legal Document- Law on Tax Administration (Amended version) No 66 / NA date 17 June 2019
Is StandardNo
UN CodeF73
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2014-05-04 10:20:14
Updated Datetime2022-07-23 23:48:33
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