This link is to inform the reader that the Lao Trade Portal does not have a formal or prescribed Procedure for this Measure.

The reasons for this are:

  • The Measure is a general Policy requirement, for example the need to register a business or use a prescribed Border Check point for the entry of goods.
  • The Measure describes storage, labelling or transport requirements not necessarily related to international trade. All persons storing, dealing in, selling or transporting these goods – domestic or foreign in origin - must follow these internal, domestic rules.
  • The Measure describes mixing, labelling, transport, storage or accounting requirements relevant only after the import of the commodities in to Lao. In effect, these requirements are internal, domestic economy requirements.
  • The Measure is sufficiently imprecise in its wording that a Trader cannot be reasonably expected to know if imported or exported commodities are covered by the Measure or not. Examples include:
  • Measures covering “Foreign Cultural Products”.  What is a foreign Cultural Product?
  • “Advertising Boards”. What is an advertising board? What size is it? Is in blank or printed? What is it made of? etc. etc.
  • The Measure describes a general requirement that may be applied to any goods depending on representations, opinions or rulings by Third Parties, including Courts, Trade Bodies, Government departments or the registered owners of Intellectual Property or Trade Marks. In these circumstances it is unreasonable - and in fact impossible - for a Trader to know if the Measure applies to his goods, unless registration of the specific commodities in question has occurred against  specific HS Codes and the public has been legally notified
# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Import Inspection Requirement of food the import of food must be inspected based on risk management system by the health officers at checkpoint borders. Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of products for consumers Decision on Food Inspection No. 297/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
2 Environmental Tax Payable Environmental Tax is collected from business which import or use goods, natural resources in Lao PDR that may cause pollution to the environment, damage to the health or lives of people, animals, plants and the balance of an ecosystem. Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Finance To colllect state revenue to spend for environment protection and to protect people's, animal's or plant's health. Law on Tax Administration (Amended version) No 66 / NA date 17 June 2019 9999-12-31 Good
3 service Fees for the import of equipment and gambling machines (all types) Fee for importing equipment and gambling machines used at casino is: - cards, equipment, parts served the operation of gaming, casino: 2,000,000 kip/time - Slot games: 500,000 kip/time - Rolax games: 1,000,000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism For administrative revenue collection of state The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
4 Food Processing and production requirement Any food imported and distributed in Lao PDR must comply with the requirement of the Food [Safety] Management Authority as laid out in the Food Law and other regulations. SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumers' health Decision on the Control on Production, Exportation-Importation of Food, No. 856/MoH, date 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
5 Import permit fee for Media Products Fee to import Media Products for Newspapers and magazines - 100,000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism For administrative revenue collection of state The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
6 Labelling Requirement - Dangerous substances and chemicals Import dangerous chemicals used in industries shall be labelled as specified by Department of Industry and Handicraft, MOIC TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce For protection of health, safety of human and environment. Law on Chemicals No. 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016 9999-12-31 Good
7 Storage and transport requirement - Dangerous substances and chemicals Importing dangerous chemicals used in industries shall be stored in warehouse and transported as specified by Department of Industry and Handicraft, MOIC TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce For protection of health, safety of human and environment. Law on Chemicals No. 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016 9999-12-31 Good
8 Requirement to register for export - Fertilizer To export fertilizer,it is necessary to register with Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry For managing and inspecting reason Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013. 9999-12-31 Good
9 Requirement to obtain import permit - Foreign Cultural Product To import cultural product especially buddha from foreign countries, it is necessary to obtain an import permit from Department of Heritage with coordination of Department of Fine Art, MICT Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To protect national tradition and culture. Law on National Heritage (Amended) No. 11/NA, dated 16 November 2021 9999-12-31 Good
10 Requirement to obtain import permit - games To import entertainment products such as: games player, slot machines and other machines for gambling in casino, it is necessary to obtain an import license from Department of Public Culture, MICT. Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To manage the import of luxry goods which affect the economy and people's living condition. In addition, to inspect the contents of these importing entertainment products to ensure the consistency with culture, traditions, avoiding the violent mind of people in the public Provision on Management and Inspection, Authorization of Entertainment Product no. 664/MICT, dated 22 October 2003 9999-12-31 Good
11 Requirement to obtain import permit - Media Publication Products To import media publication products, it is necessary to obtain an import permit from Department of Public Media, MICT. Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To preserve national culture and tradition by managing and inspecting the techniques and contents of importing media products to ensure the national security. Media Law (Amended version) No.01/NA, dated 04 November 2016 9999-12-31 Good
12 Transport and storage requirement - Alcohol Beverage Imported alcohol beverage shall be transportedand stored as specified by Ministry of Health TBT Ministry of Health To protect people's life and health Law on Alcohol Control No. 54/NA, dated 19 December 2014 9999-12-31 Good
13 Requirement to obtain an import permit : Advertisement signboard The import of finished sign boards for advertising shall be permitted by the Department of Mass Culture, Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism or by the provincial Offices under the same Ministry. Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To preserve the Lao culture and language, advertising image and decoration of sign boards in consistent and nice manner Law on Sign No. 50/NA, dated 21 June 2018 9999-12-31 Good
14 Requirement to register company to import Gas Before being allowed to import gas a company shall first submit a request to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Domestic Trade) for consideration and certification as to whether they can meet the requirements prescribed in the regulations. Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce For management reason and to safeguard the benefits of the nation and consumers Provision on management the importation and distribution of cooking gas No. 0756/MOIC.DID 9999-12-31 Good
15 Labeling requirement - Imported Products All imported products shall be labeled as Lao Language except the products that specify in chapter 4 of this Order as following: 1) Product for reexport, Trade in transit and exhibition; 2) Gift and Present; 3) Fresh and processed food witout packaging that directly sell to consumer; and 4) Raw materials without packaging that supply for industrial production. TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce To ensure that the consumer understand the properties and quality of product. Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce on products labeling in Lao language, No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015 9999-12-31 Good
16 Requirement to obtain an export permit : Advertisement signboard Exported signboard for advertisement shall be obtained an export license from Public Culture Department, MICT or Provincial ICT Department Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To preserve the Lao culture and language, advertising image and decoration of sign boards in consistent and nice manner Law on Sign No. 50/NA, dated 21 June 2018 9999-12-31 Good
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