This link is to inform the reader that the Lao Trade Portal does not have a formal or prescribed Procedure for this Measure.
The reasons for this are:
- The Measure is a general Policy requirement, for example the need to register a business or use a prescribed Border Check point for the entry of goods.
- The Measure describes storage, labelling or transport requirements not necessarily related to international trade. All persons storing, dealing in, selling or transporting these goods – domestic or foreign in origin - must follow these internal, domestic rules.
- The Measure describes mixing, labelling, transport, storage or accounting requirements relevant only after the import of the commodities in to Lao. In effect, these requirements are internal, domestic economy requirements.
- The Measure is sufficiently imprecise in its wording that a Trader cannot be reasonably expected to know if imported or exported commodities are covered by the Measure or not. Examples include:
- Measures covering “Foreign Cultural Products”. What is a foreign Cultural Product?
- “Advertising Boards”. What is an advertising board? What size is it? Is in blank or printed? What is it made of? etc. etc.
- The Measure describes a general requirement that may be applied to any goods depending on representations, opinions or rulings by Third Parties, including Courts, Trade Bodies, Government departments or the registered owners of Intellectual Property or Trade Marks. In these circumstances it is unreasonable - and in fact impossible - for a Trader to know if the Measure applies to his goods, unless registration of the specific commodities in question has occurred against specific HS Codes and the public has been legally notified
Step-by-Step Guide
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