NameImport Permit Fee for Plant Seed and Material
DescriptionFee for the issuance of a permit for import of Plant Seed and Material of 50,000 kip
CommentsFor administrative revenue collection of state
Validity From2021-06-17
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 21, I, 6.3
Technical Code
Measure TypeDuty/Tax Payable
AgencyMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Legal Document- Edict on Fees and Service Charges No. 003/PO (Article 1 - 64)
Is StandardNo
UN CodeF65
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2014-08-10 23:53:30
Updated Datetime2022-04-22 15:46:45
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Procedure for Import and Export Pesticides Before import/export pesticides that must be registered by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Import/Export
# Title Description Issued By File
1 Import Permit for agricultural products Import Permit for agricultural products Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
# HS Code Description
1 0601100000 - Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant
2 0601201000 - - Chicory plants
3 0601202000 - - Chicory roots
4 0601209000 - - Other
5 0602101000 - - Of orchids
6 0602102000 - - Of rubber trees
7 0602109000 - - Other
8 0602200000 - Trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts
9 0602300000 - Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not
10 0602400000 - Roses, grafted or not
11 0602901000 - - Rooted orchid cuttings and slips
12 0602902000 - - Orchid seedlings
13 0602904000 - - Budded stumps of the genus Hevea
14 0602905000 - - Seedlings of the genus Hevea
15 0602906000 - - Budwood of the genus Hevea
16 0602909000 - - Other
17 0701100000 - Seed
18 0703101100 - - - Bulbs for propagation
19 0703102100 - - - Bulbs for propagation
20 0703201000 - - Bulbs for propagation
21 0703901000 - - Bulbs for propagation
22 1001110000 - - Seed
23 1001910000 - - Seed
24 1002100000 - Seed
25 1003100000 - Seed
26 1004100000 - Seed
27 1005100000 - Seed
28 1006101000 - - Suitable for sowing
29 1007100000 - Seed
30 1008100000 - Buckwheat
31 1008210000 - - Seed
32 1008300000 - Canary seeds
33 1008400000 - Fonio (Digitaria spp.)
34 1008500000 - Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)
35 1008600000 - Triticale
36 1008900000 - Other cereals
37 1201100000 - Seed
38 1202300000 - Seed
39 1205100000 - Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds
40 1205900000 - Other
41 1206000000 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken.
42 1207101000 - - Palm nuts suitable for sowing/planting
43 1207210000 - - Seed
44 1207300000 - Castor oil seeds
45 1207401000 - - Edible
46 1207409000 - - Other
47 1207500000 - Mustard seeds
48 1207600000 - Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seeds
49 1207700000 - Melon seeds
50 1207910000 - - Poppy seeds
51 1207994000 - - - Illipe seeds (Illipe nuts)
52 1207999000 - - - Other
53 1209100000 - Sugar beet seeds
54 1209210000 - - Lucerne (alfalfa) seeds
55 1209220000 - - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds
56 1209230000 - - Fescue seeds
57 1209240000 - - Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seeds
58 1209250000 - - Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seeds
59 1209291000 - - - Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) seeds
60 1209299000 - - - Other
61 1209300000 - Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers
62 1209911000 - - - Onion seeds
63 1209919000 - - - Other
64 1209999000 - - - Other
65 1210100000 - Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the form of pellets
66 1212931000 - - - Suitable for planting
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