NameRegister Requirement - Import of Plant Seeds
DescriptionPlant seeds must be registered with the department of agriculture, ministry of agriculture and forestry prior to the actual importations
CommentsTo protect the benefit of consumer
Validity From2012-12-12
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 20 and 22 of the decree no. 238/GOL, article 18 and 27 of the decision no. 3919/MAF
Technical Code
Measure TypeRegistration Requirement
AgencyMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Legal Document- Agreement of the Minister on the Management and Use of Plant Variety No. 3919/MAF
- Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020
Is StandardNo
UN CodeA81
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2015-06-12 10:08:02
Updated Datetime2023-07-18 10:14:30
# Title Description Issued By File
Step-by-Step Guide
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