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# Title Download
1 Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 PDF
2 ດໍາລັດ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ແນວພັນພືດ ເລກທີ 238/ລບ, ລົງວັນທີ 18 ພຶດສະພາ 2020 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Register Requirement - Import of Plant Seeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Plant seeds must be registered with the department of agriculture, ministry of agriculture and forestry prior to the actual importations
  1. Agreement of the Minister on the Management and Use of Plant Variety No. 3919/MAF
  2. Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020
9999-12-31 ALL
2 Import Permit Requirement - Plant Seeds Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Individual, legal entity and organization who have the objective to import plant seeds shall obtain the import permit, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Labeling Requirement - Import of Plant Seeds SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry labels such as images, messages or text in Lao and foreign languages to show and indicate the types and names of seeds, plant, germination, moisture, purity, weight, expiration and planting guidelines
  1. Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020
  2. Ministerial Ordinance on the Enhancing of the Inspection of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Plant Seeds Labelling No. 1893/MAF, dated September 24, 2020.
9999-12-31 ALL
4 Storage and Transport Requirement - Import of Plant Seeds SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported plant seeds must be stored and transported in clean, proper and safe places. The storage and transport of plant seeds shall be seperated and it shall not be stored or transported with the fertilizer, pesticide and chemical. Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
5 Export License Requirement - Plant Seeds Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Exports of plant seeds must be authorized by the department of agriculture, capital or provincial department of agriculture and forestry Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
6 Business Operation Requirement - Importers of Plant Seeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Importers of plant seeds must be authorized for their business operation by the agriculture and forestry sector Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
7 Registration Requirement - Exporters of Plant Seeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Exporters of plant seeds must be authorized for their business operation by the agriculture and forestry sector Decree on Plant Variety, No. 238/GoL, dated 18 May 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
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