NameLicense Requirement - Exports of Non-Timber Forest Products
DescriptionExports of Non-Timber Forest Products under the list I, II and III must be authorized by capital/provincial department of agriculture and forestry or the district office of agriculture and forestry with the coordination with health sector
CommentsFor management and monitoring reason to ensure exporting forest product is correct and consistent with exporter's request.
Validity From2019-07-25
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 98 of law no. 64/NA and article 1 of the decision no. 0279/MAF
Technical Code
Measure TypeLicensing Requirement
AgencyMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Legal Document- Forestry Law (Amended) No. 64/NA date 13 June 2019
- The Decision on the determination of NTFPs I, II and III, No.0279 / MAF, dated 19 February 2020
Is StandardNo
UN CodeP33
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2016-02-02 11:26:07
Updated Datetime2023-07-18 10:43:52
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