Namelabelling Requirement - Imports of plant, plant products and Controlled Items
Descriptionthe import of plant and plant products through airports or posts must be labelled according to the instruction of the ministry of agriculture and forestry
Commentsto ensure the consistent practice on labelling
Validity From2019-06-28
Validity To9999-12-31
Referencearticle 6 no. 7 and article 13 of the decision no. 2985/MAF
Technical Code
Measure TypeSPS
AgencyMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Legal Document- Decision on the Phytosanitary Measures for Import and Transit of plants, plant product, and control materials No. 2985/MAF, dated 28 June 2019
Is StandardNo
UN CodeA31
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2019-08-08 03:40:10
Updated Datetime2022-04-07 14:29:54
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