(Unofficial translation)


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                            No.2109/MoAF
Vientiane Capital, Date 27 April 2016

Order on
Enhancing strictness to apply Phyto-Sanitary measures to Resolve EU’s notification

For the attention of: - Director General of Department of Forestry;

-   The Head of Department of Agriculture and Forestry Office at Provincial level and Capital;

-   Heads of Plant Protection Border check points.

-          Pursuant to the Plant Protection Law Not 06/NA, dated 9 December, 2008;

-          Pursuant to the Decree on Implementation of Plant Protection Law No 229/PO, dated 31 May 2012;

-          Pursuant to the Prime Ministerial Decree on roles and functions of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, No. 262/PM, dated 28 June 2012;

-          Pursuant to the proposal of the Department of Plantation No 0769/DOP, dated 18 April 2016.


       Lao PDR has been exporting agricultural products, particularly plants in the region and worldwide. The export trend is gradually improving; especially the export to EU which generated appreciable amount of income to farmers and entrepreneurs. However, since end of 2012, Lao PDR has received 130 notifications from EU about the Pest status of plant imported from Lao PDR. In early 2016, the EU banned the import and export of 4 groups of plant, 1. Basil, Ocimum spp; 2. Maxican coriander, Eryngium spp; 3. Pepers, Capsicum sp; and 4. Chaphu, Piper spp into and out of the EU because Plant pests and toxic residue found in plant imported from Lao PDR were over the maximum contamination of international standard.

       In order to comply with the EU’s notification and to prevent Lao plant exports from being banned from EU, which will tarnish the image of Lao PDR and have a negative impact on the revenue,

the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry issues the following order:

1.      The Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial level and in the Capital shall collaborate with relevant sectors to strictly and firmly implement the following:

1.1.   Suspend the issuance of phytosanitary certificate to companies notified by the EU until they can comply with the EU’s phytosanitary requirements and other measures (list of companies notified by the EU attached);

1.2.   Guide  Plant Protection Officers and Authorities in the Department and relevant agencies to strictly prevent and cease the issuance of Phytosanitary certificate to plants and plant products based on forged documents or counterfeit certificates of origin for export, which are not complied with Law on Plant Protection, Decree On Implementing the Law on Plant Protection and the International standard for phytosanitary measures (ISPMs) No 7 and 12;

1.3.   To provide guidance to Agriculture sector and the Agriculture and Forestry office at district level to disseminate information about the EU’s import related regulations and procedures of plants and plant products to exporters. This is to enhance their awareness and ensure that exporters can comply with the EU’s import requirements;

2.      Department of Plant Protection cooperates with international organizations to seek for potential solution of the concerned issue; and to encourage and advise exporters notified by the EU to comply with the EU’s import requirements;

3.      Department of Plant Protection reports progress to the EU’s plant protection organization and implement this ministerial order by developing a clear instruction and manual to ensure their effective performance;

4.      Department of Agriculture and Forestry at provincial level and in the Capital rechecks the phytosanitary monitoring and certification system of the Plant Protection Officers and Authorities and the exporters and report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in mid of June 2016. If any violation of this order is found, the offender will be penalized according to the Law on Plant Protection No. 06/NA, dated 09 December 2008 and other related regulations;

5.      This order shall enter into force from the date of signature. Any unresolvable issue shall be reported immediately to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for guidance.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

(Signed and Sealed)

Dr. Phet Phomphithak

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# Title Download
1 Order on Enhancing Strictness to Apply Phytosanitary Measures to Resolve EU's notification No. 2109/MAF, dated 27 April 2016 PDF
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