The purpose of this workshop is to disseminate (1) the Prime Minister’s Order No. 15/PM on Enhancing Strictness on the Management and Inspection of Timber Exploitation, Timber Movement and Timber Business; (2) Notification No. 769/PS.PM dated 1 June 2016 on the Supplement and Implementation of the Order No. 15/PM, dated 13 May 2016; and relevant regulations to supplement the Order No. 15/PM from line ministries to government sectors and Lao wooden business.

At the workshop, the Vice Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Somdee Duangdee had illuminated the government’s policy to completely boost finished wooden products in consistent with sustainable, green and environmental friendly economic development. The government also plans to cover 70 % of land with forest by 2020.

In addition, the Vice Minister had urged Lao business, particularly wooden industry and furniture industry to aware the government’s attention in resolving the management and inspection of timber exploitation, timber movement and timber business, as well as the harmonization to disseminate and implement the correct operation which requires:

The purpose of this workshop is to disseminate (1) the Prime Minister’s Order No. 15/PM on Enhancing Strictness on the Management and Inspection of Timber Exploitation, Timber Movement and Timber Business; (2) Notification No. 769/PS.PM dated 1 June 2016 on the Supplement and Implementation of the Order No. 15/PM, dated 13 May 2016; and relevant regulations to supplement the Order No. 15/PM from line ministries to government sectors and Lao wooden business.

At the workshop, the Vice Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Somdee Duangdee had illuminated the government’s policy to completely boost finished wooden products in consistent with sustainable, green and environmental friendly economic development. The government also plans to cover 70 % of land with forest by 2020.

In addition, the Vice Minister had urged Lao business, particularly wooden industry and furniture industry to aware the government’s attention in resolving the management and inspection of timber exploitation, timber movement and timber business, as well as the harmonization to disseminate and implement the correct operation that requires:

-          The harmonization and alertness to implement the orders and notifications of the government including the Order No. 15/PM, and orders and notification to supplement the Order No. 15/PM of relevant sectors;
-          Cease the buy-sale of illegal timber, in particularly the buy-sale with locals (without plant registration) as a way not to encourage illegal timber exploitation;
-          The timber industries shall immediately adjust and improve themselves in consistent with policies, regulations of the government and relevant ministries especially for industries located in the National Biodiversity Conservation Areas, National Protected Forests, and National Production Forests;
-          Timber movements of industries shall follow and in consistent with regulations of relevant sectors, especially volume on the truck shall not over limited stand which specified by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, and the movement shall be done according to the given time (before 6pm).
-          The timber industries shall enhance the coordination within the group and with the furniture industries on dividing tasks, sharing the manufacture between groups (cluster), market supply information and market access;
-          The industries shall use planted timbers as raw materials in domestic industries. Capable industries are encouraged to plant trees for their own use and to distribute to others.

The workshop was carried out in energetic atmosphere. The participants had raised and answered questions to clarify the implementation of the Order No. 15/PM and the relevant regulations to supplement the Order which will assure the harmonized implementation and eminent outcome.

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