The workshop on the findings of NTMs faced by Lao exporters is a result of the workshop that was organized in April last year by Department of Import and Export and Enterprise Development Consultants Company Ltd to notify NTMs survey plan and to seek cooperation from private sector to provide needed information.

The findings of NTMs faced by Lao exporters was presented by Mr. Prabir DE, NTMs Expert and Enterprise & Development Consultant Company Limited. It also provides recommendations on the implementation that will serve as a reference to modify NTMs caused difficulties on the export of Lao products in the future. The survey is supported by the Second Trade Facility Development (TDF2) in collecting information from exporters on problems, difficulties, or obstacles in implementing NTMs before exporting.

The survey focuses on the implementation of sanitary, phytosanitary (SPS), and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) on 8 exported products: dried cassava, coffee, maize, rubber, wooden coal, and wooden products. As for imported market, 07 countries are selected (China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and European Union). 60 business units from 04 northern provinces (Bokeo, Lunagnamtha, Oudomxay, and Hua Phan), 04 Central Provinces (Vientiane Capital, Bolikhamxay, Khammouan and Savanhnakhet) and 01 Southern Province (Champasack) were interviewed. Among the 60 business units, 73%, 20%, and 7% is Lao enterprises, foreign enterprises and state-enterprise respectively.

The workshop was organized in energetic atmosphere as the participants actively raised question and discussed on the presentation. Department of Import and Export will work with experts and Enterprise Development Consultants Company Ltd to revise the draft report according to comments and suggestions arose from the workshop to have a final version of the report within September 2016. It will also define survey plan on partners’ NTMs and transit cases by enlarging the result of this meeting. This will help to improve Lao exporters’ understanding so that they will be ready and improve their business in compliance with NTMs regulations of designated country.

In addition, the NTMs’ report on obstacles to Lao exporters will be submitted to the upper management to consider amendment as well as external obstacles will be raised during negotiation with partners for their consideration to revise.

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