Ministry of Finance                                                                               

                  Customs Department                                 No. 07972/CD         Vientiane Capital, Dated 25 July 2016


To:                 Head of customs checkpoint at the Friendship Bridge I and Thanaleng Warehouse.

Subject:         The Management of Goods Transport through the Friendship Bridge Border Checkpoint I into Container Yard at Thanaleng Train Station.

-          Pursuant to the Law on Customs No. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011.

-          Pursuant to the Decision of Ministry of Finance No.1765/MoF, dated 03 June 2015 on the organization and function of the Customs Department.

-          Pursuant to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance’s decision No. 0187/MOF, dated 23/06/2016 on approving the Lao Logistics State Enterprise to manage and provide a service for Container Yard at the Thanaleng Train Station.

-          Pursuant to the consultation meeting at the Ministry of Finance held on 10 June 2016.

Customs Department issues notification as follows:

1.      The customs checkpoint at Friendship Bridge I, and customs checkpoint at Thanaleng should pay attention on coordinating with Lao Logistics State Enterprise on the management of goods containers with no risk to be parked or stored at the container yard in Thanaleng Train Station from 26 July 2016 onward.
2.      Every incoming cargo must declare transport documents and trucks at the Friendship Bridge I based on Article 19 of Customs Law. After that they have to proceed according to regulations and procedures as follows:
2.1  Containers of fuel, flammable substances, live animals and perishable goods shall park and declare customs in details at the Friendship Bridge I customs checkpoint.
2.2  Goods, belongings aiming to import by paying duties-taxes, goods stored at the warehouse for more than 04 months, and others goods and belongings that are prone to be smuggled shall be parked or stored at the Thanaleng warehouse in order to proceed to customs clearance in details.
2.3  Goods, belongings imported under tariff and tax exemption by investment projects and the government shall be parked or stored at the container yard at the Thanaleng train station. During the installation of ASYCUDA, the goods and belongings stored in the container yard shall be declared to customs in details at the Thanaleng customs checkpoint prior to the completion of the system installation.
3.      The Thanaleng customs checkpoint is responsible for the management of the containers yard based on the regulations stipulated in Ministry of Finance’s guidance No. 1559/MoF, dated 24 may 2016, Article 15 on a regulation to establish warehouse for goods and belongings.
4.      Both customs checkpoints shall closely coordinate in managing the truck cargo moving from Friendship Bridge I along the road approaching the containers yard and be attentive to compare  number of cargo truck everyday accurately, aiming to avoid gap for goods smuggling.
5.      The Friendship Bridge I customs checkpoint and Thanaleng customs checkpoint shall pay attention on advising entrepreneurs in order to implement this notification successfully as being targeted.

Therefore, this notification is to inform you for acknowledgement and strictly implementation.

                           Acting Director General of Customs Department, 

                   [Sign and seal]

                                                                                         Mr. Bounpasert Sikounlabouth


CC:- Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance                 01 copy  "for reporting"
      - Deputy Minister of Finance,                                           01 copy "for report"
       - Head of Department of finance in Vientiane Capital    01 copy  "for acknowledgment"
       - Director of the Lao Logistics State Enterprise              01  copy  "for coorperation"
       - Divisions at Customs Department                                 01 copy  "for monitoring"
       - customs inspection unit in Vientiane Capital                01 copy "for implementation"

-          Filling                                                                     02 copies

# Title Download
1 Notification on the Management of Goods Carriers Transport Through Friendship Bridge Border Checkpoint I to Use Container Storage System at Thanaleng Train Station No. 07972/CD, dated 25 July 2016 PDF
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