(Unofficial Translation)


Ministry of Industry and Commerce                                                      
Department of Industry and Handicraft                                                         No. 1161/DOIH.SD
                                                                    Vientiane Capital, Dated 30th November 2016


            To: Provincials and Vientiane Capital Director of Industry and Commerce.

Subject: Application to Certify Natural Wooden Products and Planted Wooden Products for Export

-          Pursuant to the Order No. 15/PM, dated 13th May 2016 on Enhancing Strictness on the Management and Inspection of Timber Exploitation, Timber Movement and Timber Business No. 15/PM dated 13 May 2016;
-          Pursuant to Decision No. 1833/MOIC, dated 3rd October 2016 of Minister of Industry and on the List of Eligible and Prohibited Wooden Products for Export;
-          Pursuant to the Instruction No. 2143MOIC.DIMEX, dated 25 November 2016 on Procedures to Certify Wooden Products Before Loading to Container for Export.

In order to effectively and efficiently implement the Decision No. 1833/MOIC, dated 3rd October 2016 and the Instruction No. 2143/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 25 November 2016 and to guaranty harmonization on the implementation nationwide.

Department of Industry and Handicraft issues notification:

1.      Provincials and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall inspect and certify wooden products from natural forest and wooden products for planted forest for export in accordance and consistent with Annex 01 of the Decision No. 1833/MOIC, dated 3rd October 2016, and shall apply following applications:

1.1   The approval of wooden products from natural forest for export shall apply Application (IC 01) by coordinating with finance sector, and agriculture and forestry sector.

1.2   The approval of wooden products from planted forest for export shall apply Application (IC 02) by coordinating with agriculture and forestry sector.

2.      After the inspection committee approved that wooden products have legal source according to laws and regulations particularly correct fee payments, the wooden products shall be loaded to containers or vehicles in order to guarantee that prohibited wooden products will not be mixed with the approved wooden products.

3.      The committee shall instruct the owner of wooden products for export to declare customs with customs authority according to laws and regulations once the owner reach border checkpoint.

4.      In case the authority at the border checkpoint found wooden products from other source mixed or inconsistent with original approval but the seals remain in good condition, it shall be responsibility of the committee and factory owner.

5.      In case any adjustment, damage or change of the seals or container to put more wooden inside is found, it shall be responsibility of wooden products owner, factory owner and vehicle owner.

6.      Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall coordinate with Agriculture and Forestry Sector, Finance Sector to strictly implement their roles defined in Point. 3 of the Order No. 2143/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 25 November 2016. Meanwhile, the Departments shall coordinate with border checkpoint authorities and wooden processing for export factories to acknowledge and united implementation.

7.      The Application to Certify Wooden Products from Natural Forest for Export “IC 01” and the Application to Certify Wooden Products from Planted Forest for Export “IC 02” shall be used on the date of this notification’s signatory. It is not allowed to use any other applications including the Application according to the Instruction No. 1153/MOIC.DIMEX that has been nullified.

8.      This notification shall become effective on the date of its signatory.

Therefore, this notification is to notify you for acknowledgement and strictly implement accordingly.                                              

For Director General,

Deputy Director General

[Seal and Signature]

Somphong Soulivanh

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# Title Download
1 Notification on the Application to Certify Natural Wooden Product and Planted Wooden Product for Export No.1161/DOIH.SD, dated 30 November 2016 PDF
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