Chapter I - General Provisions

Article 1. Objective
Article 2. Explanation of terms
Article 3. Basic principles

Chapter II - Information Notification and Enquiry

Article 4. Notification of trade related information
Article 5. Enquiry of trade related information

Chapter III  - Final Provisions

Article 6. Implementation
Article 7. Effectiveness

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Prime Minister’s Office       Ref: 363 /PM
Vientiane Capital,  dated 19 August 2010

Decree on the Notification and Enquiry of Trade Related Information

  • Pursuant to the Law on Government of Lao PDR no.02/NA, dated 6 May 2003;
  • Pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Commerce, no 1508/MOIC.FTPD, dated 6 August 2010

Prime Minister of Lao PDR Decreed as follows:

Chapter I
General Provisions

Article 1. Objective
   The decree sets out principles and regulations on the notification and enquiry of trade related information, including information on sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade,  trade in services and other trade  related information aim to promote access to information and participation in the development and implementation of trade related measures with a view to avoiding discrimination and unnecessary barriers to trade. Top

Article 2. Explanation of terms
   The terms used in this decree have the meaning as follows:

  1. Trade related information means information on sanitary and phytosanitary measure, technical barriers to trade, trade in services and etc;
  2. Measures  refers to laws, regulations  and procedures  in drafting, adopted, and implementing throughout the country, and information on membership and participation in regional and international organizations;
  3. Sanitary means hygienic, clean, healthy and free from all risks that endanger human and animal health;
  4. Phytosanitary means clean and free from decease and pests which is harmful for plant and plant product;
  5. Technical  barriers  to  trade  refers  to  technical  regulations,  standards  and conformity assessment with objective to ensure the protection for health, environment, and national security;
  6. Notification of information refers to the notification on trade related measures to regional and international organization including the World Trade Organization with reasonable time period for comment;
  7. Enquiry of Information refers to the enquiry and response on trade related information of Lao PDR and foreign countries to individuals, legal entities, and regional and international organizations both in the country and abroad. Top

Article 3. Basic principles
   The  notification and enquiry of trade related information shall adhere to the following basic principles:

  1. Ensure consistency with national policies, laws and regulations, national socio- economic development plan, and regional and international economic integration agenda;
  2. Be transparent, fair, equal, and avoid discrimination and unnecessary barriers to trade;
  3. To ensure accuracy,  reliability and up to date in publishing,  notification and enquiry of information;
  4. Ensure participation by all interest parties both in the country and abroad in commenting on the draft of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade within a reasonable time period at least 60 days, except in urgent circumstances, but the notification still be proceeded to inform relevant parties;
  5. Publish sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade at least 180 days before they enter into force. In urgent circumstances, relevant sectors shall develop separate regulations. Top

Chapter II
Information Notification and Enquiry

Article 4. Notification of trade related information
   The Ministry of Industry and Commerce is the focal point on the notification of
trade related information in collaboration with relevant sectors in central and local levels, and has the role in coordination, collection and notification of trade related information from central and local level to regional and international organizations including the WTO. Top

Article 5. Enquiry of trade related information
   The  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry  is  the  focal  point  on  enquiry  of
information on sanitary and phytosanitary measures in collaboration with public health and  relevant  sectors  in  central  and  local  levels,  and has  the  role  in  coordination, collection and enquiry of such measure information for individuals, legal entities, and regional and international organizations both in the county and abroad.
   The National Authority for Science and Technology is the focal point on enquiry of information on technical barriers to trade in collaboration with relevant sectors in central and local levels, and has the role in coordination, collection and enquiry of such measure information for individual, legal entities, and regional and international organizations both in the county and abroad.
   The  Ministry  of  Industry  and  Commerce  is  the  focal  point  on  enquiry  of information on trade in service in collaboration with relevant sectors in central and local  levels,  and  has  the  role  in  coordination,  collection  and  enquiry  of  such information for individuals, legal entities, and regional and international organizations both in the county and abroad. Top

Chapter III
Final Provisions

Article 6. Implementation
   The  Ministry  of  Industry  and  Commerce,  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and Forestry, the Ministry of Public Health and the National Authority for Science and Technology in collaboration with other relevant sectors shall develop detailed regulations on roles, obligations and rights, organizations, working mechanism and personnel within their sectors in order to ensure the implementation of this decree.
   Industry and commerce, agriculture and forestry, public health, science and technology, and other relevant sectors in central and local levels shall be informed and implement this decree. Top

Article 7. Effectiveness
   This decree shall be effective 60 days after the date of its signature.  Any regulations, provisions contradict to this decree shall be annulled. Top

Prime Minister of Lao PDR

Bouasone Bouphavanh

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1 Decree on the Notification and Enquiry of Trade Related Information No.363/PM, dated 19 August 2010 PDF
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