Ministry of Industry and Commerce          No. 0874 /MOIC.DTD
Vientiane Capital, date 02 June 2017


On the Monitoring, Inspection, and Prevention for the Import, Movement, and Distribution of Illegal Pigs, Pork (Fresh and Frozen), and Animal Parts

To:     - Director General of Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce.

  • Pursuant to Prime Minister’s Decree Regarding to Price Management of Goods and Services No. 474/PM, dated 18 November 2010;
  • Pursuant to Prime Minister’s Decree Regarding to the Structure and Activities of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce No. 522/PM, dated 23 December 2011;
  • Pursuant to Prime Minister Office’s Notification Regarding to the Prevention of Piggies and Pork Imported from Neighboring Countries No. 158/PMO, dated 31 January 2017.

To prevent the import and movement of illegal piggies, breeders, pigs and pork (fresh and frozen) including animal parts which may affect domestic pigs production and pork supply for consumption. It is also to avoid the import that may have diseases to spread in Lao PDR.

Minister of Industry and Commerce orders:

  1. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce to collaborate with local authorities to monitor, inspect, protect and prevent the import, movement and distribution of illegal pigs and pork (fresh and frozen) including animal parts of individual or legal entities. If found, shall comply with measures according to the laws and regulations.
  2. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce to collect statistics, plan the balance between supply and demand of pigs and pork consumption. If not enough, shall plan to import depending on the cases.
  3. Manage the price of pork products according to principle of product control; Management of purchasing, whole and retail selling together especially whole and retail selling based on clear price structure in such provinces.
  4. Disseminate and advise the entrepreneurs to pay attention on implementing and be responsible before increase or decrease the pork price each time, the entrepreneurs shall propose the price changes to concerned public agencies for certification and approval.
  5. The import of pigs, pork products and products related to animal for distributing in Lao PDR shall have the following documents:
  • Import license issued by the Livestock and Veterinary Authority (Agriculture and Forestry Sector);
  • Animal health certificate or sanitary certificate of products related to animal issued by authority or government officer of exporting country that meet import requirement of Lao PDR;
  • Others relevant documents as stipulated by the Livestock and Veterinary Authority in case of import for breeding;
  • In case of obtained the authorization to import animal, animal products or products related to animal, they shall be imported through the authorized international border.

Besides that, every import and movement of the piggies, breeders, pigs and pork (fresh and frozen) including animal parts shall comply with the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry’ Order regarding to the Import and Movement Management of Piggies and Pigs in Lao PDR.

  1. Apart from the above mentioned, the physical inspection shall focus on the amounts, quantities and characteristics of the product for the validation with the import or movement license;
  2. The Trade Inspection Officer to monitor and inspect regularly for surveillance and prevention of the offenders, breakers and smuggler who import pigs, pork (fresh and frozen) and animal parts. To collaborate with concerned agencies to strictly comply with the laws and regulations by warning, penalties or civil or criminal proceeding depend on the severity of offence case as defined in laws and regulations.
  3. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce to assign its officials to monitor and inspect the origin of pork by collaboration with the market allocators or owners and veterinary officers for verifying such as: shipping letter from slaughterhouse, tax receipt and other documents;
  4. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce to report the implementation every month. If faced the difficulties, shall report the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Domestic Trade Department) for consideration and guidance;
  5. The Domestic Trade Department to collaborate with The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce as leader in monitoring and inspecting with District Officer of Industry and Commerce to prevent the issues strictly.
  6. This Order shall become effective from date of signature.


Khemmani Polsena


  • Prime Minister Office                                              01 copy
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                        01 copy
  • Ministry of Finance                                                  01 copy
  • Provincial and Vientiane Capital of Government Office     01 copy
  • Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry          01 copy
  • Cabinet Office, Departments and Economic Research Institute for Trade     01 copy


# Title Download
1 Order on the monitoring, inspection, and interception for the import, movement, and distribution of illegal pig, pork (fresh and frozen), and animal part products No. 0874/MOIC.DTD, dated 02 June 2017 PDF
2 ຄຳສັ່ງ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຕິດຕາມ, ກວດກາ ແລະ ສະກັດກັ້ນ ການນໍາເຂົ້າ, ເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍ ແລະ ຈໍາໜ່າຍ ໝູຊີ້ນ, ຊີ້ນໝູ (ສົດ ແລະ ແຊ່ແຂງ) ແລະ ຊິ້ນສ່ວນຜະລິດຕະພັນສັດ ທີ່ບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ ສະບັບ ເລກທີ 0874/ອຄ.ກຄພນ, ລົງວັນທີ 02 ມິຖຸນາ 2017 PDF
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