On April 05th , 2018, Ministry of Industry and Commerce in collaboration with the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry had organized the  Lao Business Forum Steering Committee Meeting at Donchan Palace Hotel, Vientiane Capital. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena, Minister of Industry and Commerce and H.E. Mr. Oudeth Souvannavong, President of Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), drew more than 100 representatives from the public and private sectors. The objective of the meeting is to report the overview and progress in resolving issues of Lao Business Forum and issues of doing business and to present the draft agenda of 11th Lao Business Forum will be held in the middle of May 2018.

In her opening remarks, H.E. Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena emphasized the role of Lao Business Forum (LBF) as a main forum for consultations between the public and business sectors aimed at creating a favorable environment for doing business and focusing on the growth of the business sector, enhancement of domestic and international competitiveness in Lao PDR and increasing the involvement of the business sectors to achieve the target in accordance with 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan.  

H.E. Mr. Oudeth Souvannavong, President of LNCCI also designated Lao Business Forum Secretariat (LBFS) as a focal point with government for collecting the issues of doing business. Moreover, LBFS plays an important role in enlarging the government notifications to their members and for archiving business sectors’ comments to amend the government laws.

The 03 group of issues will be raised in 11th Lao Business Forum, include: 1) business taxation; 2) transportation costs in Lao PDR; 3) constraints affecting the development of tourism sector. In the past years, there is progress in resolving issues of LBF, include: 1) implementation of VAT refund and excise tax on banking services and border transportation; 2) transportation costs; 3) export of planted wood products and procedure of wood products export; 4) access to statistics for import and export; 5) procedures for enterprise registration and licensing; 6) limited access to affordable finance by SMEs.

In her closing remarks, H.E. Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena sincerely thanked all representatives from concerned sectors who attend the meeting and concluded the meeting by opening for participants to share the comments on all issues of LBF in order to consider and discuss on the 11th Lao Business Forum.

News source: Lao Business Forum Secretariat

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