Ministry of Finance

                                                                                      Customs Department                                                                                     

No. 01904 /CD

Vientiane Capital, date 20 April 2018



On the Implementation of Container Control Unit (CCU)

at the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge I


-     Pursuant to Customs Law no. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011 and Customs Law (Amended some articles) no. 57/NA, dated 24 December 2014.

-     Pursuant to the Decision of Minister no. 2826/MOF, dated 22 August 2017 on the Organization and Function of Customs Department.

 -    Pursuant to the Decision of Director General of Customs Department no. 1179/CD, dated 15 March 2018 on Responsibilities and Working Principles of Sector in the Customs Regional Office, Unit in the Provincial Customs Inspection Office and Customs Border Unit.

-     Pursuant to the Decision of Minister of Finance on the Approval to Operate the Container Control Programme no. 3662/MOF, dated 20 October 2017.


Director General of Customs Department decides:


Article 1. Objective

This Decision formulated to determine the responsibilities and working principles of the Container Control Unit  (CCU) at the international customs border checkpoint of Friendship Bridge 1 which aims to extend and implement the programme according to the Decision of Minister of Finance on the Approval to Operate the Container Control Programme no. 3662/MOF, dated 20 October 2017 which is to operate the risk management of container import, export and transit in Lao PDR, including inspect and prevent the society from drugs danger and international transnational crime, prevent and anti-smuggling of all illegal goods in the form of transport supply chain by the container which has data and suspicion containing the illegal goods such as drugs, basic chemical substances for producing drugs and weapon of mass destruction, equipment for producing nuclear and other goods in efficient and harmonized manner of implementation.


Article 2. Role and Responsibilities of Container Control Unit (CCU) Officer

  1. Study regulations, follow dailly news and study data sources to determine the risk condition and the possibility of violation.
  2. Analyze the data from electronic system and general documents related to the movement of goods and item (import, export and transit).
  3. Conduct the data research and analysis, customs declaration documents and others to provide input to risk profile database for determining the inspection target of illegal matter.
  4. Inspect the goods and container containing goods and item that has a risk and certify the customs declaration documents as well as assess the duty and tax rate as specified in Customs Law.
  5. Coordinate with concerned border units to operate the physical goods inspection as the common suspicious profile.

Article 3. Principles and Implementation

  1. Conduct the risk analysis, risk classification and proceed the customs declaration formality and procedure.
  2. Manage, monitor, inspect and exchange data, data source to use the risk management principle as specified in Customs Law.
  3. Inspect the customs declaration data in electronic and general form that has the approval of detailed customs declaration.
  4. Head of the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge I, is in charge of giving guidance to the customs officer who present at the Container Control Unit regularly, coordinate with customs officer of the Friendship Bridge and concerned border agencies to comply with laws in Lao PDR and international regulations.
  5. Can inspect the goods and container that has high risk in safe location and warehouse as indicated by customs official notice; Any goods and container containing suspicious goods and item is found, the customs officer shall proceed the physical inspection procedure, then report the inspection result to the Head of Border Checkpoint for acknowledgement and consideration.
  6. Operate the physical inspection as the customs principles and use the inspection tool such as: scanner or equipment that serve all form of inspection and other methods.
  7. The customs officer who is assigned to present at the Container Control Unit shall has a suitable method of inspection that not being a barrier for trade facilitation, the physical inspection shall proceed the procedure and complete as specified regulation.

Article 4. Inspection Condition

  1. The inspection of goods and container shall be operated face to face with an owner or an authorized person by the customs officer of container control unit as assigned by the management of border checkpoint.
  2. The inspection of goods and container shall prepare a document and complete data including the picture collection, inspection result, use of table template for statistics collection for risk analysis in the future.
  3. Perform other duties as assigned by the management of border checkpoint strictly and in timely manner.

Article 5. Official Confidentiality

All documents been conducted the data analysis, inspection result, customs measure or other official data of the container control unit shall consider as confidential, not allow to be disclosed unless the approval from high level.


Article 6. Personnel Structure

The personnel structure of the container control unit is an assistant structure of the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge I, Customs Regional Office V, comply with the Decision of Minister no. 2826/MOF, dated 22 August 2017 on the Organization and Function of Customs Department and Decision of Director General of Customs Department no. 1179/CD, dated 15 March 2018 on Responsibilities and Working Principles of Sector in the Customs Regional Office, Unit in the Provincial Customs Inspection Office and Customs Border Unit.

The container control unit combines one to five permanent customs officers that can be increased or decreased depend on the practical condition and workload to control the risk, inspect the goods and container containing goods and item import, export and transit as specified regulation.

The leading committee of the container control unit is:

  • Director General of Customs Department.
  • Head of National Commission on Drug Control and Inspection.
  • National Coordinator of UNODC.

The implementing unit has a duty to report the International Customs Border Checkpoint, Customs Regional Office V to continue report to the Leading Committee of the Programme quarterly, the Leading Committee of the Programme shall convene a consultation meeting every six month to evaluating the implementation of the Customs Container Programme, addressing issues and developing activities.


Article 7. Monitoring and Report

  1. A customs officer who assigned to take responsibility under the container control unit shall report the performance result on goods and container inspection, problem, difficulty and challenge including when found the violation and the seizing of illegal goods regularly to the Head of the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendshop Bridge I and Head of the Customs Regional Office V.
  2. In case of performance is required, the CCU can collaborate with the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendshop Bridge I, Customs Regional Office V and concerned agencies to ensure the effective performance.
  3. Head of the International Customs Border Checkpoint check and report to Head of the Customs Regional Office V daily and weekly to continue sumarize and report to the Customs Department weekly, montly, quarterly and yearly to continue report to the Leading Committee of CCP.
  4. Summarize, collect and report the situation of the activity and implemention of CCP to high level as specified in the procedure and regulation.

Article 8. Extension and Implementation

Head of the Customs Regional Office V, Head of the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge I, Sectors and Units of Customs Border are assigned to undertake the extension, dissemination and guidance for the government officials and customs officers under their own responsibilities to have deeper understanding and lead to the implementing in right and complete manner and ensure the achievement as expected level. All sectors are requeted to acknowledge, collaborate and facilitate the implementation of this Decision strictly.

Article 9. Effectiveness

This Decision shall become effective and implement from the date of signature until the replacement of new Decision.



        Acting Deputy Director General of Customs Department


                             Bounpaseuth SIKOUNLABOUT

# Title Download
1 Decision on the Implementation of Container Control Unit (CCU) at International Custom Border Checkpoint, Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge I No. 01904/CD, dated 20 April 2018 PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດໜ່ວຍງານກວດກາຕູ້ຄອນເທນເນີ Container Control Unit (CCU) ທີ່ ດ່ານພາສີສາກົນຂົວມິດຕະພາບ I ເລກທີ 01904/ກພສ, ລົງວັນທີ 20 ເມສາ 2018 PDF
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