Decree on Special Economic Zone No. 188/GoL, dated 07 June 2018 replaced Decree on Special Economic Zone and Specific Economic Zone No. 443/GoL,dated 26 October 2010 and Prime Minister’s Decision on Additional Policies of Investment in the Specific Economic Zone at Thatluang Lake and Special Economic Zone in the country No. 73/PM, dated 28 September 2015.

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The special economic zone is the area where the Government of the Lao PDR identifies specific management mechanisms in order to create conditions for attracting investment by utilizing new innovations and technology in producing agricultural products as well as clean production, conserving natural resources and energy for sustainable development and environmentally friendly. The special economic zone includes industrial estate, agricultural development zones, processing industries for export, technology and information development, services, trade, tourism. Pursuant to policies of the Government of Lao PDR (GoL) on special economic zones, GoL encourages individuals, legal entities and all domestic and foreign trade sectors for investing in the development of special economic zones. GoL also identifies specific policies on investment, business operations, production, service, income-expense, management of special economic zones by using one-stop service mechanism.

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