Pursuant to Order on the Implementation of 08 Measures for Economic Stimulus No.12/PM. Dated 23 August 2018. The concerned ministries, state agencies are equivalent to ministries, and local authorities shall prioritize the implementation of economic stimulus measures related to their roles, responsibilities, and scope of rights.

In addition, Prime Minister has assigned ministries as focal point with concerned sectors for those Implementation of 08 Measures for Economic Stimulus as follow:

Measure 01: Suppression of inflation and improvement of monetary policy, assigned to Bank of Lao PDR.
Measure 02: Improvement of a favorable environment and facilitation for business operation, assigned to Ministry of Planning and Investment together with Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Finance.
Measure 03: Modification of internal debt, assigned to Ministry of Planning and Investment together with Ministry of Finance.
Measure 04: Income collection and expense management, assigned to Ministry of Finance
Measure 05: SMEs development and promotion of production, assigned to Ministry of Industry and Commerce together with Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Bank of Lao PDR.
Measure 06: Improvement of investment structure, assigned to Ministry of Planning and Investment together with Ministry of Finance.
Measure 07: Management and income collection of land, assigned to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Measure 08: Monitoring and inspection of the implementation of laws, assigned to Government Inspection Authority together with Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment.

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