Table of Contents

1 Summary and conclusions. 3

2 Recommendations. 3

3 Benefits and costs of change. 4

4 NTM Analysis. 5

4.1 Background. 5

4.2 The NTMs. 5

4.3 Import data, 2017. 6

4.4 Procedures. 7

4.5 Actual processes. 9

4.6 Number of licenses. 10

4.7 Time. 11

4.8 Risk analysis. 12

4.9 Risk mitigation. 12

Annexes. 15

A. NTM Laws. 15

Annex B. Interviews. 15

Annex C. Products and HS Codes. 16


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1 Fuel Import Non-Tariff Measures - An Impact Assessment PDF
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