Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Industry and Commerce 

                                                          Permanent Secretariat Office                                                             

No. 2823/PSO.ERMD

Vientiane Capital, 26 November 2018




To:       Provincials of Department of Industry and Commerce

  •   Districts of Industry and Commerce Office
  •  Registered Enterprises (Individuals or legal entities)

Subject: Enterprise seal making and sign of enterprise name


  • Pursuant to the Enterprises Law, revision-2013
  • Pursuant to the Sign Law, year 2018;
  • Pursuant to the decree on seal, No 322/GoL, dated 1 October 2018;
  • Pursuant to the point No 2 (1.2.1) 1.2 (1) of the Prime Minister Order on Improvement of Regulations and Coordination Mechanism of Doing Business in the Lao PDR No 02/PM, dated 1 February 2018.


To ensure the implementation of enterprise seal making and sign of enterprise name in accordance with the laws and regulations as well as to improve for a more concise and prompt procedure of starting a business. Permanent Secretary Office of Ministry of Industry and Commerce notifies concerned sector to implement as follows:  

  1. For enterprise seal making:  

After enterprise registration, an enterprise is able to apply for its seal making to public security sector by only submitting its enterprise registration certificate in accordance with article 21 (new) as defined in Law on Enterprise, No. 46/NA, dated 26 December 2013 and article 22 as defined in Decree No. 322/GoL, dated 01 October 2018. Do not allow to issues permit license on seal making anymore;

  1. For a sign of enterprise name
  1. After enterprise registration (individual or legal person), an enterprise is able to apply for its sign making by only submitting its enterprise registration certificate without any license application for making a sign of enterprise name.

2. The contents in a sign of enterprise name shall include:

  • Enterprise name as specified in enterprise registration certificate;
  • Enterprise number;
  • Taxpayer Identification number (if applicable);
  • Phone number.

In addition, an enterprise is able to add its logo or QR Code in the right hand side above on a sign.

Any time to modify the content of business registration certificate which lead to change the content of sign of enterprise, it has to produce sign name of enterprise for compliance. 

  1. Foreign language that used of sign name of enterprise, it must be English language as mentioned in enterprise certificate. The sign contents of Lao and English language of enterprise, Lao language is show in above, English language is in below and English front should not exceed 2/3 of Lao font.
  2. Sign of enterprise size shall suit with attached location, it is not going to affected natural views, surrounding environment, safety, not create barrier on traffic, but the minimum size is 30 cm X 60 cm and maximum size is 1.5m X 3m.
  3. Background color and font of enterprise sign is white color, red letters, and the background of sole and cooperative enterprise is yellow color and red letter.
  4. Enterprise sign is a symbol of indicated basic information on its existing to the public. To install sign of enterprise should display in the front office or where is its located (in case of small enterprises with offices in place of business such as retail store);
  5. Enterprise should select options for enterprise sign based on any appropriateness from two types of content enterprise as attached in Annex I and II of this notification;
  6. The register enterprise authorities stick or put attached Annex I and II as mentioned above in point No 7 of this notification  where can facilitate for investors in order to take a picture or copied. In addition, investors or interests can visit or download from the website ( );
  7. This notification is effective from 5 December 2018 and replaced notification on seal and sign, No 1542/PSO.DERM, dated 21 June 2018.

Therefore, this must be informed and strictly implemented.

                                                                                                                                 Head of Permanent Secretariat Office

                                               (Signed and sealed)

                                        Ms. Bannesaty Thephavong


Attached to:

  • PRO, Ministry of Public Security
  • PRO, Ministry of  Information, Culture and Tourism
  • PRO, Ministry of Public Works and Transport
  • Related sectors














# Title Download
1 Notification on Enterprise seal making and sign of enterprise name No. 2823/PSO. ERMD, dated 26 November 2018 PDF
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