Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Department of Livestock and Fishery 1944/DLF

Vientiane, dated 27 July 2018


To: Provincial, Vientiane Capital of Livestock and Fisheries Offices

Subject: On using application form for import-export-transit and imported inspection of animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity.


  • Pursuant to Law on Livestock and Veterinary Law (revised) No. 08 / NA, dated 11 November 2016;
  • Pursuant to the Fisheries Law No. 03 / NA, dated 09 July 2009;
  • Pursuant to the Minister Decree in the organization and operation of Livestock and Fisheries Department, No. 3824 / MAF, dated 18 August 2017;
  • Pursuant to the minutes of the meeting of the draft procedures on using application form for import-export-transit and imported inspection of animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity on 19 June 2018.


To develop and implement the law on livestock and veterinary, law on fisheries and the relevant legal instructions to be harmonized in accordance with the conditions fact and it can connect with laws, relevant regulations including internal and international procedures which Laos is a party, particularly on the import-export and transit procedures of animals, aquatic products and fisheries to facilitate, transparent and verifiable.

To use the form on request, to allow imports - exports - transit and pre-inspection and after import animals, aquatic, animal and fisheries products, it is a way that will facilitate access to individuals, entities and people in generally who are handle on businesses with import, export and transit of animals, aquatic, animal and fisheries products, The implementation of this procedure will bring confidence and trust to the public sector, in particular the livestock and fisheries sector, as well as the cooperation of various stakeholders involved in the action in the implementation of the scheme as following:


The Department of Livestock and Fisheries issues 10 form as following:

  1. Approval of all 10 publications including:
  1. Print Form IET 1 - Application for Import - Export - in Transit and imported inspection animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity;
  2. Print Form IET 2 – Technical inspection record of animals, aquatics, animal- fisheries commodity before importation;
  3. Print Form IET 3 – Technical Inspection Report;
  4. Print Form IET 4 – Document Inspection Certification;
  5. Print Form IET 5 – Notification letter;
  6. Print Form IET 6 - Document Inspection Certification;
  7. Print Form IET 7 - Inspection Certification;
  8. Print Form IET 8 - Monitoring Record of transport animals, aquatics, animals-fisheries commodity after imports;
  9. Print Form IET 9 - Monitoring Record of animal and aquatic health in quarantine periods;
  10. Print Form IET 10 - Animas or Aquatics Health Certificate (Quarantine Period ...... days).
  1. Implement the procedures for importing animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity into the Laos as the attached figure 1. As well as to be published and made entrepreneurs and importers of animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity widely understand;
  2. Divisions of related department to coordinate with livestock and fisheries Capital/ province to set advertising the regulations of livestock and fisheries sector, including the publishing related sectors to the individuals, entities or organizations, especially those doing business on livestock, veterinary and fisheries or the import, export, transit companies on animals, aquatics, animal-fisheries commodity to recognize and understand thoroughly as well as together effectively and uniformly on the implementation.
  3. To the Capital/Provincial of Livestock and Fisheries sector shall coordinate with the Capital/Provincial of Veterinary Inspection Unit at International gates, District of  Livestock and Fisheries sector, to carry out and use the publications designated in this notification in collaboration with the District of Agriculture and Forestry Office and related local authorities;
  4. To the Capital/Provincial of Livestock and Fisheries sector after a period of time on implementation, review and report on the results, advantages, weaknesses and lessons learned. To the Capital/Provincial of Agriculture and Forestry Departments and Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry be aware of ways to further improvement or enhance its implementation;
  5. For the fees and technical charges associated with the implementation of this notice, it has to comply with the Presidential Decree, No. 003/ PO, dated 26 December 2012, Chapter II, Section VII, and Article 42 on the services of the Agriculture and Forestry Sector.

    Therefore, this must be informed and strictly on implemented.


Director General of  Livestock and Fisheries Department

Somephan Chanpheng

# Title Download
1 Notification on Using Application Form for Import-Export-In Transit and Imported Inspection of Animals, Aquatics, Animal-Fisheries Commodity No.1944/DLF, dated 27 July 2018 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການນຳໃຊ້ແບບພິມ ສຳລັບການຂໍນຳເຂົ້າ-ສົ່ງອອກ-ຂົນສົ່ງຜ່ານ ແລະ ການກວດກາຫຼັງການນຳເຂົ້າ ສັດ, ສັດນ້ຳ, ຜະລິດຕະພັນສິນຄ້າກ່ຽວກັບສັດ ແລະ ການປະມົງ ເລກທີ 1944/ກລປ, ລົງວັນທີ 27 ກໍລະກົດ 2018 PDF
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