Lao’s People Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Finance

                                                                                                      Department of Customs                                                                                                    

 Ref No. 03642/DOC

 Vientiane Capital, 09 July 2018




                              To: Customs Regional Office V

                                        (Friendship Bridge I international customs check point)


                      Subject: The pilot on the implementation of pre-arrival customs declaration advance experiment

                                        at International Customs Checkpoints (Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge I)for Lao Brewery Company Ltd and Phou Bia mining

                                        Company Ltd.


  • Pursuant to the Law of Customs No. 04/NA, Dated 20/12/2011 and some revised articles No. 57/NA, dated 24/12/2014.
  • Pursuant to the request letter of Lao Brewery Ltd No. 0891/LB, dated 29/03/2018.
  • Pursuant to the Decision of consultation meeting of customs officers together with customs regional office, friendship bridge I international  checkpoint, Lao Brewery Company Ltd and Phu bia mining Company Ltd, dated 30/05/2018.
  • Pursuant to the report of Legal Division No. 05570/DLG, dated 27/06/2018.



In order to facilitate trade, the department of customs agrees to implement the pilot on the pre-arrival customs declaration advance at the  internationnal checkpoints for two companies as follows: Lao Brewery Company Ltd and Phu Bia Mining Company Ltd, the process are following:


  1. Allow two companies mentioned above enable to proceed pre-arrival customs declaration advance of their goods in International border checkpoint I by presenting relevant documents as follows: Invoice, Packing List, Supporting documents from relevant agencies. For the shipment documents or bill of lading (B/L), after trucks arrived at the checkpoint, should be submitted the original set that has certified by the customs authorities at the checkpoint together with customs declaration form, and then all goods will be released.
  2. Before conducting a pre-arrival customs declaration advance pilot, a regional customs V supervises friendship bridge I international customs check point to make a memorandum with Lao Brewery Company Ltd and Phu Bia Mining Company Ltd, and the memorandum shall cover a responsibility of companies must guarantee any declared information such as: value, HS code, quantity, size, weight, country of origin and other relevant information are correct; and those information shall comply with what indicated in transportation documents. In case found any incorrect information afterward, a declared person shall take responsibility in terms of Laws and relevant regulations strictly.
  3. The pilot on implementation pre-arrival customs declaration advance as this notification is validated by 03 (three) months since the signature date. After said period, a regional customs office V and Friendship Bridge I international customs check point shall evaluate the implementation together and then report to customs department within 10 (ten) working days.
  4. Any difficulty faced during implementation shall report to customs department for giving an advice in implementation.


Therefore, this must be inform and strictly on implementation.


Acting Director General of customs

Bounpaserd Sikounlaboud




# Title Download
1 Notification on the Implementation of Pre-Arrival Customs Declaration Advance Experiment at International Customs Checkpoints (Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge I) No. 03642/CD, dated 09 July 2018 PDF
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