According to the website of the MoST, Mr. Viengthong Vongvilay, Director General of DSM gave an interview on February 08, 2019, the DSM has started inspecting the quality of fuel at gas stations since August 01, 2016, the inspection divided into two types: regular inspection (twice a year) and consumer’s request via hotline 1513. In 2017, the DSM found that the unqualified fuel was adulterate with alcohol, fatty acid and kerosene and was found 30% of the total inspected gas station. In 2018, the unqualified fuel was found only 10% of the total inspected gas station.

Only for illustration


Most of the unqualified fuel in some gas stations were found outside of Vientiane Capital and beside the southern route No.13. There are 02 main causes for the unqualified fuel: 1. some gas station owner smuggle the prohibited fuel to gain the quantity of fuel and profit 2. some gas station owner does not know that the fuel was adulterate and unqualified from other sources.

Gas stations in nationwide are inspected, DSM issues 03 stickers for the inspected gas station, for instance, White sticker means qualified, Green sticker means unqualified and be given a warning for improvement, Blue sticker means unqualified, fined and seized unqualified fuel.

The sample of stickers for the inspected gas station
Source: DSM


In the event of unqualified or unusual fuel in gas stations, please make a call to clarify the situation via Hotline 1513 in order to verify and inspect the source of fuel

News source: website of MoST

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