The seized timbers auction committee at Office of Industry and Commerce of Attapue Province seized the timber in a total number of 4.733 logs/stack/finger/board, dimension 88,639 (eighty-eight point six three nine) m3 . Those who are interested in the auction, please visit and buy bidding application at the Office of Industry and Commerce of Attapue Province (Import and Export sector) in an official working day.

Date and time for selling bidding application at Office of Industry and Commerce of Attapue Province following below:

  • Bidding application is opened for selling in 15 official working days (From April 29 to May 15, 2019)
  • Bidding will be started at 09:00 am, on May 16, 2019.
  • Place of Bidding: Meeting room at Office of Industry and Commerce of Attapue Province
  • Price of a bidding application is 1.000.000 kip/set (not returned)
  • Please hold your bidding application until 9:00 am on May 16, 2019, then bring your bidding application to the seized timbers auction committee.

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Phahutxay 020 22292298

Ms. Khamdavone 02022423777

Mr. Thitpakaiysy 020 55534456

Click here to see more details of Notification No.1365/OICP.ATP, dated 29 April 2019


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